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Nama : Ni Nyoman Gauri Krisma Sangkari

Kelas : 3A MBI
Nim : 2015744141
Absen : 22
Final Test of Marketing Management

A Review of Digital Marketing 101 (A Beginner’s Guide To Marketing)

In the video, Adam Erhart explains some tips to become a better digital marketer by
showing people some of the most important things people need to know about digital
marketing. He said that digital marketing has been to seem way more complicated than it
actually is. That is not true actually. If we want to improve our digital marketing skill, we
need to know and understand some strategies. To begin with, the first thing to know is that
the differences between digital marketing and traditional marketing. Digital marketing is a
marketing done through the use of digital channels. Therefore, if people talk about digital
marketing, they actually talk about marketing through the use of channels such as SEO, social
media, email marketing, web optimization, pay per click, ads or online facebook ads or
instagram ads. In contrast, traditional marketing uses traditional media things like TV or the
radio or newspapers or magazines or billboards basically anything not digital.
There are some significant advantages to use digital marketing and all the digital channels
that is now available:
 Digital marketing tends to give a much larger audience size. It can reach anybody
that's online and there is billions of people online.
 Next is audience targeting because, not only be able to reach these billions of people,
rather we can be laser focused and selective on only the most ideal and perfect people
that we want to target.
 Digital marketing also tends to be significantly more cost effective than running, for
example, an ad in the New York Times.
 Digital marketing also allows you to get immediate feedback. For example, if we
posted ads in the magazine, we do not know the feedback immediately. We have to
wait until it is published.
 Digital marketing tends to be a whole lot easier to measure and to track because
everything is digital which means we have got a digital trail that allowing us to
measure costs and results and everything in real time therefore we can make
adjustments and tweaks and optimizations at the moment. Contrast that with waiting
three months for the magazine to come out and figure out if things worked or not.

The next thing that will really help us to become a better digital marketer is to
understand the differences between strategy and tactics and when to use them. Strategy is
all the big picture and this is really where we want to focus our efforts first. Because this
is the foundation that all of our future marketing efforts, tactics, tools, software and things
like that are going to be built on get this part wrong and nothing else matters because
nothing else will work.
There are now many different strategies and approaches and ways to look at digital
marketing, but no matter how you look at it, it goes back to four basic and very solid
principles that have stood the test of time and will be as relevant today as they are. these
things as the four cores and they are the center of this relationship. there are four cores
consisting of market and media message models.
1. The model, basically is your business, you offer a service package with the price
that comes with it, how you ship whatever you visit to the market.
2. Markets, these are the people you will serve. And you don't want to say anyone or
anyone who has money. You want the laser focus to be focused on who our next target
market is.
3. Islamic boarding school. And this is where you will clarify and connect with your
ideal target market, by talking directly to them about their pains, problems, and
frustrations, and how your business can uniquely help them solve them. The principle
here is to create messages that are truly effective.
4. Model, and again this is where you're going to go where you're going to do your
marketing, which digital channel would you choose. most businesses do this completely.
This is why if you do the steps in the right order, starting with models, move to market,
Find messages when you open media, the choice must be clear, crystal clear, you must
know where to stand your ideal target market is present and active online. And it will
support you to go there and pay attention to everything else.
The next thing you really need to be aware of if you want to become a true expert in
digital marketing is to understand the differences between b2b and b2c marketing. b2b,
stands for business to business and this is where your main customers your main clients
aren't regular everyday people but rather other businesses b2c, on the other hand means
you're a business that sells to consumers regular everyday people and not businesses, b2b
business to business. b2c, business to consumer and just like everything I've shared with
you so far, there's some significant differences in the way that you want to market, your
business market, your service market, your product, market, whatever, depending on
whether you're selling to businesses, or people.

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