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On Wednesday, August 25, 2021, at SMPN 39 Bandung, the distribution of report card is going held. and
in grade 9 it will be announced who will be ranked 1st in the class

Teacher : children, as we all know that today is the distribution of report cards, and i will announce who
in this class is ranked 1st

All student : yes mam

Teacher : the ranked 1st in this class is andi, congrats andi you are ranked 1st in this class

Farhan : hai andi, Congratulation andi for being 1 st in the class

Andi : Thanks farhan and congratulation to you because you gained 2 nd in this class

Farhan : thank you andi and I hope we can we can maintain this result even achieve even better results

Andi : okay farhan thanks for remind me and motivate me.

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