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Castillo Alvarino Maria Cecilia

Universidad Del Atlántico


A paragraph is a group of sentences organized around a central topic. (.) In fact, the
general rule of paragraph (wreitin) is to focus on one idea. A basic paragraph (sturcture)
usually consists of five sentences: (mmm) the topic sentence, three supporting sentences,
and a concluding sentence. The paragraph has four important elements. The first one is the
unity between the central sentence and the complementary sentences, the second one is
order refers to the way you organize your supporting sentences (.) (ehhhh). The (thrirds)
one is (.) coherence is the quality that makes your writing understandable. Sentences
(between) a paragraph (needs) to connect to (ech) other. For this is very important the use
of connectors. And finally, Completeness means a paragraph is well-developed. If all
sentences clearly and (sufficently) support the main idea then the paragraph is complete.


The first audio was not very good. I think, I could have use some connectors. Also, I
should improve the pronunciation of some words, fluency when speaking, use commas to
improve understanding and correct the mistake of adding the letter s in some words.

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