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#Type conversions

#first_number = float(input("First: "))

#second_number = float(input("Second: "))
#result_sum = first_number + second_number
#print("Sum " + str(result_sum))
#string operations
#course = "PythoN FoR BeginnerS"
#print('PythoN' in course)
#Arithmetic operations
#print(10/3) floating value
#print(10//3) int value
#print(10%3) remainder after division
#print(10**3) exponential
#logical operators
#or(at least one)
#not(reverse the result vlue)
# x=7
# print(not x>10)
# gives true
#range(5,10,2) range is 5 to 10 and takes 2 steps at a time 5 7 9 example
#tuple = (1,2,3)
#list = [1,2,3]

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