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Xeno Vangelos

Your place of birth was a town or small city, a fairly civilized place. You were raised by
your birth parents, who were royalty by blood. They are alive and well.

You have the following siblings:

 A younger brother that still lives with your childhood caretakers.

You have short hair. You favor the latest fashions and spend lavishly on the best clothing.

Important Events
You have experienced the following important events:

 You traveled to strange and exotic places for several months.

 You became involved in a serious relationship that lasts at least a year.
 A personal grudge held by a local military figure forced you to flee to a new region.
 You were involved in several casual relationships, each lasting a month or more, but
none become serious
 You suffered a major financial loss, losing almost everything.
 You spent several months engaged in formal study, sharpening your wits.
 You made a friend, a relative. They have ties to the criminal world or the black

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