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| In many a case kids CNOOSE thej, heroes from among cartoon characte,, ; ) movies or books like Dora, the Spiderman, Harry Potter eto, But they might not have much use in our real lives. They are super heroes who do extra ordinary and unrealistic things. Buta real hero is one who has lived with us and who has set examples for us. Neetha was so inspired to hear about Rahman’s hero. His hero was his father. He is the fourth and the youngest childin the family. His father wakes himself eat!) at 3:00 am to get ready to go for work and leaves at around 4:00 am. Rahman knew that his father has been doing this for the past four years without missin9’ day of work to earn the daily bread fo" the family. He never heard his fathe' 38 st er. d in ar‘) an pis of complain, even when he would come — from a long day’s work And Rahman’s father would find time to spend with his family. For Neetha her hero was her mother. “My mom teaches me good lessons for life and supports me in whatever way she can. She has always been an inspiration to me with her love for others and her unshaken faith in God. When | go wrong my mom corrects me lovingly. My Mom takes great troubles to take me to various competitions. My mom is sO loving and she knows exactly what she wants in life for her and for those around her. That’s how | too want to be in my life. | admire and love her very muc ” ao WHO IS YOUR HERO? WHAT QUALITIEg IN THEM HAVE INSPIRED YOu? It was Merin who interrupted. “1 want to be a hero one day. | want to change someone’s life and make a difference in their world. Everyone believes that we need to have some super - power to fight evil. But the evil | want to fight is not the terrible things happening in this world at large. There are so many lonely and neglected people around us. They long for a kind smile, a sympathetic word or a reassuring touch or a little companionship. Their lonely world is so gloomy. A genuine smile can lighten up their worl Akind word will be balm to their aching su 40 It can be just a wdrd of encouragement to the lonely girl in the class or a little help to the old lady next door, whatever be it, | want to be a hero to the poor and the needy. acts of kindness that ence to the lives of ake you a hero. Little words and make a world of differ the poor can alsom IRE TO BE HERO? po you DES AN YOU BE ONE? AND HOW c 41

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