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10 Laws of Manhood

1. Take control — Manliness isn’t in your height or being ripped. It’s your
ability to take action instead of waiting for other people to do it.

2. Know the rule of exchange — If you don’t receive back the respect and
time you give to someone, walk the fuck away!

3. Be financially smart — Nothing is sexier than having money in the bank.

Develop high-income skills, curb your spending, learn to invest.

4. Have a strong posture — Your posture can make or break your first
impression. Forward head posture, hunchbacks can get you labeled as a

5. Don't submit to peer pressure — Don’t smoke, drink, party because

others want you to. Make decisions based on what you like.

6. Be confident with humility — Weak men criticize others to feel good

whereas true confidence lies in supporting others.

7. Make eye-contact — It’s repulsive when you don’t have the guts to look
people in the eye. Keep eye-contact until they look away.

8. Solve problems — Problems are inevitable in life. Instead of freaking out

like a chicken, stay calm and act rationally.

9. Be bold — Have the balls to say what you mean. Nobody likes your ‘fake-
nice’ gestures.

10. Don’t be needy — You shouldn’t need that girl or group of friends. Have
a life of your own. Goals you are committed to.

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