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P1 Examine the characteristics of the object-orientated paradigm as

well as the various class relationships.

1.1 Introduction to OOP

1.2 Inheritance
1.2.1 What , Why , How
1.2.2 Example Code Print Screen and Explanation
1.3 Encapsulation
1.3.1 What , Why , How
1.3.2 Example Code Print Screen and Explanation
1.4 Polymorphism
1.4.1 What , Why , How
1.4.2 Example Code Print Screen and Explanation
1.5 Abstraction
1.5.1 What , Why , How
1.5.2 Example Code Print Screen and Explanation
1.6 Interface
1.6.1 What , Why , How
1.6.2 Example Code Print Screen and Explanation
1.7 Relationship between classes
1.7.1 Types of UML Relationship
1.7.2 Choose any three relationship and explain for what , why , how by
showing UML and Source Code .

P2 . Task 2

2.1 Explain about UML Class Diagram (What, Why, How)

2.2 Draw UML Diagram for complete mobile application using OOP concept.

P3 Build an application derived from UML class diagrams.

Mobile application ( flutter ကို သုံ းပြီး ) create လု ပ်ပါ. – OOP ရဲ့ concept တွေတော့ မဖြစ်
မနေသုံ းရပါမယ်..UI ချည်းပဲဖြစ်လို့မရပါ.. implementation ပါရပါမယ်..

LO4 Investigate scenarios with respect to design patterns.

P4 Discuss a range of design patterns with relevant examples of creational,
structural and behavioral pattern types.
P4 .
4.1 Explain about Design Pattern (What , Why , How , Usage)

4.2 Creational Design Pattern

4.2.1 What is Creational Pattern?
4.2.2 List down types of Creational Pattern and Brief explain.
4.2.3 Explain in details Only ONE of Creational Pattern including UML, Source

4.3 Structural Design Pattern

4.3.1 What is Structural Pattern?
4.3.2 List down types of Structural Pattern and Brief explain.
4.3.3 Explain in details Only ONE of Structural Pattern including UML ,
Source Code

4.4 Behavioral Design Pattern

4.4.1 What is Behavioral Pattern?
4.4.2 List down types of Behavioral Pattern and Brief explain.
4.4.3 Explain in details Only ONE of Behavioral Pattern including UML ,
Source Code

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