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SURAT REKOMENDASI ‘Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini Nama : AINUN NA'’IM NIP*) : 196012041986011001 PangkavGol : Pembina Utama /TV/e Jabatan : Sekretaris Jenderal Tnstansi : Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Alamat Lembaga : Gd. D Lt. 10, JI. Jend. Sudirman Pintu 1 Senayan, Jakarta 10270 Telp. : (021) 57946099 Fax. (021) 57946104 E-mail : / Memberi rekomendasi kepada: ‘Nama : FAJAR SIDIK ABDULLAH KELANA Alamat : Jalan Kramat Kosambi 2 No. 20 Rt. 10 Rw. 17 Cipinang, Pulogadung, Jakarta Timur 13240 *Isian rekomendasi Saya mengenal saudara Fajar Abdullah Kelana, lulusan program studi Mechanical Engineering UGM dengan Cum Laude, dan aktif dalam kegiatan pengembangan Iptek dan inovasi, serta memenangkan beberapa hibah kompetitif di bidang pengembangan teknologi dan inovasi. Saya mengenal Fajar setahun yang lalu ketika Fajar sedang mengikuti program Kompetisi IImuwan Muda dan Kewirausahaan (YSEALI) USAID dan ASEAN, dan tim dimana Fajar adalah anggota yang aktif masuk dalam putaran final dan menjuarai kompetisi tersebut. Saya juga mengenal Fajar dari membaca beberapa dokumen dan mengamati presentasinya dalam forum YSEALI dan konferensi pers di Kemenristekdikti. Hadir dari keluarga yang sederhana, Fajar_memiliki motivasi yang kuat untuk mengembangkan dan merealisasikan potensinya yang besar untuk ‘mengembangkan Indonesia. Saya melihat saudara Fajar dapat menempuh studi di program SI dengan sukses, dan dia menggunakan waktu studinya selama di program S1 juga untuk kegiatan extra kurikuler yang relevan dengan bidang ilmunya, antara lain dengan membangun startup company MINO untuk membantu petani perikanan, Baik secara akademik maupun non-akademik, Fajar mempunyai prestasi yang tinggi, dan berkiprah dalam berbagai forum internasional. Fajar menyampaikan kepada saya bahwa dia berminat untuk mengembangkan kompetensinya dengan studi lanjut, dan saya lihat ini sangat baik untuk meningkatkan kontribusi dia pads Indonesia, dibanding dengan kalau dia tidak melenjutkan studi saat ini, Berbagai pengalaman di masyarakat dan internship yang dia lakukan saya kira cukup untuk bekalnya di program pasca sarjana, dan berkiprah lebih lanjut setelah lulus dari program tersebut nantinya. Berdasarkan observasi tersebut saya berpendapat bahwa Fajar sangat layak untuk mendapat dukungan beasiswa untuk studi lanjut ke tingkat pasca sarjana di Universitas yang unggul yang, dapat memberi tantengan yang tinggi. Saya memberikan rekomendasi yang sar LPDP dapat memberikan beasiswa tersebut kepada saudara Fajar. Apabila ada hal lain yang perlu diklari atau dijelaskan lebih lanjut, saya bersedia untuk dikontak melalui tercantum di surat ini. Kurang Cukup Baik Sangat Baik . a ao o a © Kepemimpinan a o a o © Profesionalitas oO a a o © Partisipasi dalam komunitas a a o pa © Kepereayaan diri o a o a © Kematangan Emosional ao ao a a + Kempampuan beradaptasi a a o & © Potensi untuk maju o Qo o a © Integrtitas a a o a © Kemampuan akademik a a a a ¢ Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris Oo ao an o + Kemampuan berbahasa asing lain a w oa a jikian surat rekomendasi ini dibuat dengan sebenar-benarnya untuk dapat digunakan agaimana mestinya. Jakarta, 6 Juli 2017 (Yang membuat rekomendasi) pee Cit: (Ainun Ne’im ) UNITED STATES MISSION TO THE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIAN NATIONS JAKARTA, INDONESIA Office of The Ambassador January 12, 2017 Dr. Deendarlianto Muhammad Nabil Satria Faradis Fajar Sidik Abdullah Kelana Untari Febrian Ramadhani Dear MINO Team - YSEALI Innovation Challenge champions, On behalf of the United States Mission to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), we would like to extend our congratulations to you on your selection as the winners of the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) World of Food Innovation Challenge. The Challenge is part of U.S. Government’s signature program to strengthen leadership development across ASEAN and deepen engagement with young leaders on key regional and global challenges. The Challenge is a way to find innovative technology solutions to the agriculture, aquaculture, and fisheries in the region —and your solution was one of the top three in ASEAN! We were grateful to partner with the ASEAN Committee on Science and Technology to promote science, technology and innovation among youth within ASEAN. The Challenge is just one of the many YSEALI activities that you can join. Though this year’s Challenge will end soon, please do not stop working on your great ideas! You have come a long way, and we expect that you can take all that you have learned from the YSEALI Innovation Challenge even further. We invite you to aim high and to think about others (educational institutions, investors, governments) that might be interested in supporting your idea. We hope that you will enjoy your externship in the United States and your experience as part of the YSEALI program. Good luck! Sinddtely, Nina Hachigian U.S. Ambassador to ASEAN S United States Mission to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations March 1, 2017 To Whom It May Concern Subject: Reference for Fajar Sidik Abdullah Kelana On behalf of the United States Mission to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), I am pleased to provide a reference for Mr. Fajar Sidik Abdullah Kelana, Mr. Kelana participated in the USAID-managed Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) World of Food Innovation Challenge in 2016 as part of four-member team from Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia. The team consisted of three students and one professor. ‘The goal of the Challenge was to find innovative technology solutions to real world problems in agriculture, aquaculture, and fisheries in the region. ‘The outstanding Gadjah Mada team took I‘ prize in the Challenge. The field of competition began with 138 eligible entries from across ASEAN and proceeded with multiple stages to select the Challenge winner. The team’s winning technology increases the amount of dissolved oxygen in fish ponds in order to catalyze the production of tilapia industry. | was able to meet Mr. Kelana on two occasions in 2016 during the team’s participation in the program. I was impressed with his enthusiasm for the innovative solution and his drive to learn how to further develop the idea into a commercially-viable system to assist fish farmers in the region. I could visibly witness him and his team members develop useful leadership and communication skills throughout the program that will serve them well in their future endeavors. Mr. Kelana has informed me of his desire to apply for a Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan Scholarship to further his engineering studies. As is clear from his CV, Mr. Kelana has excelled in his studies and also sought to gain direct experience in engineering through other competitions, significant research projects and well-rounded practical experience through school organizations and community engagement. I believe he would make an excellent candidate for this prestigious program. Sincerely, emf C0. Jennifer Collier Wilson USAID ASEAN Affairs Advisor U.S. Mission to ASEAN REFERENCE LETTER ‘To whom it may concern, It is a great pleasure for me to write this letter to support Fajar Sidik Abdullah Kelana for LPDP Scholarship application. | have known Fajar since the end of 2014, because I'm Fajar’s Advisor for UGM Community Service Program at Morotai North Maluku Indonesia. Fajar has proved himself immediately as the student with passion, enthusiasm, and be interested about mechanical engineering. | was impressed with his academic achievement for his GPA of 3.53 (in scale of 4) and at the same time, | observe he is an ‘open-mind student that he is willing to learn other things to support his study. He is not only active in academic work, Fajar has also involved in numerous campus and volunteer organizations. He has active in Electric Vehicle Research Team Universitas Gadjah Mada. He became The Leader of Electric Vehicle Research Team in 2015 and his team became The Best Team in Indonesia Electric Vehicle Competition 2015. He has also been actively engaged in community activities. In 2015, Fajar initiated a community that ‘concer about education in Morotai Island, North Maluku, one of-the worst educational province in Indonesia. He becomes founder of this community, KITAMOROTAI Community. This community is also involved to UGM Community Service Program where | acted as their advisor. He and his research team, MINO Microbubble Technology Team, also got the 1st iative (YSEALI) World of Food Innovation Challenge powered by USAID and will receive a training opportunity to Austin, Texas, U.S in March 10" — 20" 2017. Champion of Young South East Asian Leaders Overall, | am really impressed with Fajar’s track record of his academic, leadership and social work, his commitment to others, and is service to several communities. For this, am sure; he will make an outstanding achievement if he can get the opportunity get LPDP Scholarship and continue his study in master program. | strongly recommend him for admission to LPDP Scholarship. Yogyakarta, March 4" 2017 Sincerely, ia Prof. Dr. Ir. Cahyono Agus Dwi Koranto, M.Agr.Sc. Professor in Forest Soil Science Faculty of Forestry, Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta 55281 - Indonesia Email : ee - = DAI ASEAN-U.S. PROGRESS PROJECT ae March 25, 2017 Dear Sir or Madam: | would like to recommend, Fajar Sidik Abdullah Kelana, a graduate in Mechanical Engineering from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia. | had the opportunity to meet Fajar at the ASEAN inaugural Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) World of Food Innovation Challenge with USAID partners, Intel, and Cisco to cultivate youth creativity and leadership in developing innovative technology solutions in the fields of agriculture, aquaculture, and fisheries. Fajar and his two colleagues won first place at the event and traveled to the United States to learn more about technology and pitch their idea to investors. Fajar is extremely intelligent, hardworking, dedicated, and diligent person. He was a pleasure to ‘work with and | am confident he will make a lasting contribution in the future given his willingness to ‘work hard to achieve his goals. | wish Fajar every success in his future endeavors and hope that | have another chance to collaborate with him in Indonesia or elsewhere. Sincerely, Mark Birnbaum Deputy Chief of Party ASEAN-U.S. PROGRESS 11Page

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