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Finding My Best friend

She texted and said, ‘Let’s have a cup of tea at the Extension Café; the most popular in the
university.’ I was exhausted from the tough routine of 8 to 4. Still said, ‘Okay.’
She called to have some talk because she was not feeling okay. The weekend was fully packed
with learning sessions. University work was pending for 2 weeks due to uninvited sickness
during weekdays. Still said, ‘Okay.’
I was half asleep when she knocked at the door saying, ‘There is extreme dandruff in her hair.
So please oil my hair.’ Still said, ‘Okay.’
I spent hours chit-chatting with my friends, laughing with them but every time I was not with
any human there were no bits of the previous experiences with me. It was all just empty from
inside out. There were the same tons and loads of my confusion. Would not it be better if I say
that I did not have any therapist?
So, the question all those burdens are still there? And the answer is there are no more
permanent confusions and burdens. Am I still struggling? We struggle every day to survive, to
excel. But the beauty is how we turn the scratch of our emotions into a small, nice, cozy
cottage; where we can go, pour our hearts out and come out shimmering and shining; you
know the glow after break-up 😉.
Now, another question is how to polish the crap of your personality in building a graceful you.
There will be thousands of ways out there; mine is to be friends with yourself. Be your best
friend if you cannot find the one with no strings attached.
After that cup of tea, phone call, and hair oil massage, let’s sit with ourselves. Let’s have a cup
of coffee. Share the day. Tell ourselves what went wrong. Which things made us feel low or
uncomfortable. In short, let’s have a detailed talk with ourselves. Either in our hearts or just
casually as we talk to a friend. It might feel weird at first but everything will be settled when
that burning chaos will calm down. Since, now, the disordered mess of thoughts is decently
organized in front of you.
However, in this whole process of befriending yourself do not stop being the therapists of those
who have found you as the one they might not have found the article yet

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