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Learning activity 2

Evidence: The happiness advantage

I will never forget the day that I began to make sense of it by understanding and learning

from the teaching that a book has, usually at school I did not read much and if I did it

was something superficial, and only to deliver work or participate in class; When I started

at the university they always gave me a book or two to read in the semester, I studied

social work which the topics of reading were in favor of understanding, analyzing and

reflecting on social problems and other topics that are lived in the world, When I began to

make sense of the reading, I began to read in a magnificent way that allowed me to put

myself in the shoes of the character who underwent changes. At that moment he

understands the importance of knowing how to analyze and reflect on everything that

encompasses a social problem and how I can intervene in an appropriate way when I get

to work with people.

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