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New keywords for LOR

 Ample opportunity to assess his professional and academic abilities

 Plans ahead/organizational ability
 Good communication skills, Inquisitive mind, Firm understanding of concepts
 Motivated and responsible who not only master’s theory but applies it well
 Never been past deadlines unless emergencies and finishes work earlier than expected
 Committed , Keen learner , Thinking outside the box
 All-round experience in projects, Knowledge of subject
 Previous research experience, Actively participates in class research,
 Ask intuitive questions ,Seeking additional resources to grasp the material well
 Conscientious , Motivated, responsible, meticulous
 Complete experiences, detailed analytical lab reports,
 Team player, worked well with others,
 Thirst for knowledge, positive asset.
 Independent active member of society
 Charismatic, seeks new opportunities,
 Determination, maturity, intelligence to succeed in any endeavor
 Positive and abstract thinking, not always meet the demand but pushes harder.
 Perseverance, initiative, and intellectual creativity.
 Work experience, Internships, and personal experiences
 Has commitment, will work harder and highly motivated.
 Academic excellence, charismatic individual, intelligent, well rounded, and grounded
 Qualities of a leader, promising scientist who loves science, actively seeks new
 Co-authored a paper, general lab skills, independent, Active member of society
 Pursues personal interests, self-motivated, dedicated, hardworking, high intelligence,
 Grasps difficult concepts, think critically, handle the rigors of a competitive college
 Immense ability to recall facts and figures
 Distinguished student, great potential, active desire to learn, logical insights, thoughtful
 Innovative and creative, exponential improvement.
 Good understanding of the fundamentals of the subject
 Dedicated, has endurance, analytical skills,problem solving skills
 logical reasoning, Problem solving skills
 Redefined our expectations of being a good student, Ambitious
 Attentive listening and great enthusiasm, Great sense of humor
 Will bring his unique energy, optimism, passion, and creativity
 Knowledge of market, critical thinking, and innovation
 Reliable, ambitious, and creative,
 Great passion for technology
 Perfectly understand concept of design.
 He has shown real promise in ___________ which enhances his range and dynamics
 Understands how to use _________ in real world
 Left a positive impression on_______
 Diligent and sincere
 Based in my observation ____________
 Believes in idea coming out of brainstorming sessions
 Penchant for achieving excellence in everything.
 He is articulate and can express himself
 Impeccable communication skills

Concluding paragraph examples

1) To conclude, I would just like to emphasize (Student Name)’s penchant for
achieving excellence in everything he/she undertakes and I sincerely believe that
he/she is one of the ideal candidates for pursuing a course of his/her choice at your
esteemed university. Here, I extend my wholehearted recommendation for his/her
candidature for admission into the undergraduate program. I am available for
answering any further queries that you might have.

I wish him/her all the best for his/her future endeavors.


2) I would like to express my deepest personal and professional admiration for

him/her and truly believe that (Candidate Name) will add a lot of value to his
environment through his/her vibrant energy, hard working attitude, and passion.
Thus, I extend my endorsement for his/her admission into the program he/she
chooses to pursue at your university. I am happy to answer any questions which
might help you in making a decision.

3) It does not come to me as a surprise that even after 3 years of professional work
experience, he is still eager to pursue Master’s in Computer Science. I strongly
recommend XYZ for his graduate studies in your institution. His keen desire to explore
and learn will take him far ahead in life. I wish XYZ all the best for his graduate studies.
Please feel free to contact me in case you have any queries on this recommendation.

4) I have the deepest personal and professional respect for him/her, and sincerely
believe Candidate Name will bring his/her unique energy, optimism, passion, and
tireless creativity to your class and University as a whole. Thus, he/she has my
highest endorsement for admission into his/her desired course at your University. If
you have any questions about this recommendation, please do not hesitate to
contact me for I will gladly try to help

Opening lines examples

1) I am Karen White, Branch Manager, XYZ Company, London. It gives me tremendous
pleasure and pride to write this Letter of Recommendation for one of my sub-
ordinates, Mr William Cupello for admission into MS in Computer Networking in this
esteemed university. Being his manager, I have known William professionally for over
2 years, so I got ample time to observe him as a person as well as a professional.
2) To whom it might be of concern: 

I’ve had the opportunity to work professionally with Mr Aman Verma for the last three
years as a graduate of Mechanical Engineering. My name is Professor Aarti, and I am
an academic mentor to Aman. I can recommend Aman with all my heart and honestly
say that he would be a perfect asset to your organization.

3) To Whom This May Concern

My name is ——- (Recommender Name) and I am obliged to offer my recommendation

of —– (Candidate’s full name) to whom I have personally known for —— (number of
years or months) at ——- (location). I understand that he is applying at _______
University for MS in Civil Engineering.

4) To whom it might be of concern: 

I’ve had the opportunity to work professionally with Mr Aman Verma for the last three
years as a graduate of Mechanical Engineering. My name is Professor Aarti, and I am
an academic mentor to Aman. I can recommend Aman with all my heart and honestly
say that he would be a perfect asset to your organization.

5) It gives me immense pleasure to write this reference letter in favor of (Candidate

Name)  who is aspiring to pursue the master’s in science program at your
university. I have known (Candidate Name)  as his professor for over three years
now. I taught him the courses of ‘Module Name’, ‘Module Name, ‘Module Name’
and ‘Module Name’, in the second, third, fourth, and sixth semesters, respectively.
6) To whom it may concern,
It is my immense pleasure to support XYZ’s candidature to your institution
for Master’s in Computer Science program. Currently, I hold the
designation of Deputy Head at the Department of Information &
Communication Technology in ABC Institute. Even though it has been more
than 3 years since I taught and guided XYZ, I still clearly remember him for
his innovative ideas which he showcased as a student.
7) With immense pleasure, I am writing this reference letter in support of Candidate
Name who is applying to the Masters in Science programme at your esteemed
University. I have known Candidate Name in my capacity as his Professor for over
three years now during which, I taught him the courses of 'Thermodynamics', 'Heat
and Mass Transfer', 'Renewable Sources of Energy' and 'Advanced IC Engines' in
the first, fourth, fifth and sixth semesters, respectively. Through my observation, I
would like to say that he/she is attentive and studious and possesses a positive
attitude towards academics.

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