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DESIGN WITH TYPE Instructor Olga Mezhibovskaya cmozhibovskaysasvaccu TEXTURE 01 [ PHOTO/TYPOGRAPHIC COLOR OF TYPE, TONALITY, TYPE SETTING, TEXT BASICS: 1. COLUMN 2 COLUMNS JUSTIFIED AND FLUSH LEFT ALIGNMENT, RIGHT RAG Ineptedby photographs of textures in nature and urban Ife, create textual improvietions within a page of txt. Readebiity, one ofthe man functions of typography, yielded toweleome type's many other communicative abiltes noma the warserenceof round, nose, slenee, ambiance, and reverberaton-—which produced these ‘TOXTiee, By sraying fom the tradtonaleructre of toxt aes delivery eytem for information, move ton the ‘ythmie TEXTual fabri of ght and dark. An increible variety of new typographical textures wil be crested, sndiropir us to "read "hee" arel°seo" thar es ruil notations frm vbieh improve. Bagening with pho tography, which was translated into typography, and eventually becoming the feunel material fr musical impr ‘stion~this serie represents a eatcace of interpretations on the theme of texture, Part 1 1, select a page of text that means something to you (manifesto, openning of ‘2 book, iasprations..3-4 paragraphs), Not poetry! saa Choose one typeface from the Text Fonts folder attached, ‘Type the title of the Book, next line—author, then —space, and then: type down the text in a lush left alignment. Altogether it shoula ft 7x10" text column surrounded by white margins ("lef night/top ‘and 5 bottom, 2, Photograph 1 photographle texture from nature oF urban environment in 2 the same proportions 7°x10" B/W 5. Eat the photograph to a B/W palette, import inlustvator and using the text of your enoice imitate it with typographic texture light, gray, black starting fram the gray. xis” Part 2 4, Study Text Basics. Use the page of text but change the number of columns and the ignment, avoid typographic mistakes first indent. mixture of space and nident between paragrephs, widows, orphan, a and lat the end ofthe line oF toxt Practice hanging punctuation, natural rag.

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