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Clin Genet 1999: 55: 356–361

Printed in Ireland. All rights reser6ed

Short Report

FISH and PCR analysis of the presence of

Y-chromosome sequences in a patient with
Xq-isochromosome and testicular tissue
Álvarez-Nava F, Martı́nez MC, González S, Soto M, Borjas L, Rojas Francisco Álvarez-Nava, Marı́a
A. FISH and PCR analysis of the presence of Y-chromosome se- C Martı́nez, Sandra González,
quences in a patient with Xq-isochromosome and testicular tissue. Marisol Soto, Lisbeth Borjas
Clin Genet 1999: 55: 356 – 361. © Munksgaard, 1999 and Alicia Rojas
Unidad de Genética Médica, Facultad de
Mixed gonadal dysgenesis includes a heterogeneous group of different Medicina, Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo,
chromosomal, gonadal, and phenotypic abnormalities, characterized by Venezuela
the presence of a testis on one side and streak or an absent gonad on
the other, persistence of müllerian duct structures and/or wolffian Key words: FISH – PCR – SRY –
derivatives, and a variable degree of genital ambiguity. Here, we de- testicular development –
scribe a patient with virilized external genitalia and phenotypic features Xq-isochromosome
of Turner syndrome, whose blood karyotype was 45,X/46,X,i(Xq). The
presence of a unilateral dysgenetic testis was confirmed by histopathol- Corresponding author: Francisco Álvarez-
ogy. Using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and polymerase Nava, Unidad de Genética Médica, Univer-
chain reaction (PCR)-based analysis to detect Y-specific sequences, Y- sidad del Zulia, Hospital Universitario de
chromosome material was not detected. To date, this is the first case Maracaibo, Ave. 23, ZIP 4001, Maracaibo,
Estado Zulia, PO Box 15374, Venezuela.
reported of Xq-isochromosome associated with the presence of testicu-
Fax: +58-61-519496; e-mail:
lar tissue.

Received 27 November 1998, revised and

accepted for publication 14 January 1999

The term ‘46,XY gonadal dysgenesis’ has been drome, with varying phenotypic, gonadal, and cy-
used to describe various conditions of abnormal togenetic abnormalities, and it has been associated
gonadal differentiation. ‘46,XY complete gonadal with a 45,X karyotype (5), a 46,X,+ marker kary-
dysgenesis’ is defined by the absence of the testes, otype (6), among others (7–9).
female external genitalia, normal müllerian struc- In this context, here we report the clinical pre-
tures, and streak gonads. Subjects with 46,XY sentation, histopathologic findings, and molecular
partial gonadal dysgenesis have incomplete testicu- analysis of 1 patient with mixed gonadal dysgenesis
lar development, with the gonads presenting with a and a 45,X/46,X,i(Xq) karyotype.
broad range in the degree of testicular develop-
ment, and subjects usually have ambiguous geni- Clinical report
talia (1). It is important to emphasize that,
although this condition is common in 45,X/46,XY The patient was first seen at 13 years of age be-
mosaicism, the gonadal findings are not specific for cause of short stature, absence of menses, and
this karyotype (2). In the group of patients with signs of external virilization (Fig. 1). At birth, the
the 45,X/46,XY karyotype, the phenotypic spec- patient had clitoromegaly and a tumor in the right
trum varies from normal women, women with clas- inguinal region. The proband was the first child of
sic signs of Turner syndrome with bilateral streak healthy, unrelated parents and has two older sisters
gonads, to normal phenotypic men with bilateral and one brother. The pregnancy was uneventful.
atrophic scrotal testes, through different degrees of She was born at full term after an uncomplicated
genital ambiguity, with unilateral abdominal streak pregnancy. The family history was otherwise non-
gonad and contralateral abdominal or inguino- contributory. She had features of Turner syn-
scrotal testis (3, 4). There is evidence that partial drome, including low posterior hairline, low-set
(mixed) gonadal dysgenesis is a heterogeneous syn- ears with posterior rotation, increased internipple
Xq-isochromosome and testicular tissue

thra and vagina were found. A pea-sized gonad

was palpable on the right side. She exhibited hir-
sutism, with increase of hair on the arms and legs,
facial and periareolar regions, and pubic hair along
the linea alba and perianal region. She had a
deepened voice and scanty breast development
(Tanner II). Intellectual development was normal.
Genitogram was performed by retrograde injection
of contrast dye, which showed a normal vagina
and uterine cervix. The hemogram profile and bio-
chemistry, intravenous pyelogram, echocardio-
gram, and electrocardiogram were normal.
The presence of functional testicular tissue was
suspected by the elevated serum testosterone re-
sponse to stimulation by human chorionic go-
nadotropin (hCG). The plasma 17-hydroxyproge-
sterone concentration was normal. Exploratory la-
parotomy was performed. The left side contained
an intraabdominal streak gonad macroscopically
with Fallopian tubes. The right inguinal hernia
contained a dysgenetic testis with Fallopian tubes.
In the midline, an immature uterus was present.
The streak gonad consisted of a thin cortex com-
posed of an elongated wavy stroma and a
medullary region composed of loose stroma with
numerous vessels. No primordial follicles were
present. The dysgenetic testis was predominantly
Fig. 1. External genitalia of the patient. testicular tissue (Fig. 2). The majority of the testic-
ular parenchyma consisted of closely apposed sem-
distance, cubitus valgus, short fourth metacarpals, iniferous tubules with intertubular diffuse Leydig
and short stature (136 cm, less than the third cell hyperplasia. The most tubules contained only
percentile). In addition, clitoromegaly (phallus was mature Sertoli cells. The dysgenetic testis was also
4 cm), generalized hyperpigmentation of the geni- composed of a region of wavy ovarian-like stroma,
tal skin, no labial fusion, and normal female ure- but without primordial follicles.

Fig. 2. Histopathology of the right gonad. Different testicular structures were present.

Álvarez-Nava et al.

Cytogenetic and DNA analyses 70 of 122 cells analyzed. The abnormal X chromo-
some consisted of a metacentric chromosome, with
Peripheral blood metaphases were obtained from
two arms of equal length, whose banding pattern
routine phytohemagglutinin-stimulated 72-h cul-
was similar to that of the long arm of the normal
tures and from methotrexate-synchronized cul-
X chromosome (Xq-isochromosome). A 45,X cell
tures. Chromosomes were examined using GTG
line was found in 52 (42%) of the 122 cells. Periph-
banding. The X-inactivation pattern was studied
eral blood chromosome analysis revealed a 45,X/
by means of acridine-orange reverse banding after
46,X,i(Xq) (42%/58%) karyotype (Fig. 3).
5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation during
Chromosome replication analysis after 5-BrdU
the last 4–6.5 h prior to terminating peripheral
treatment showed early replication of the normal
blood cultures.
X chromosome and late replication of the Xq-
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of the
isochromosome in all metaphases of the total 50
patient’s chromosomes, using the biotin-labeled Y
cells scored. Thus, X-inactivation studies showed
centromeric probe DYZ3 and Y-chromosome
that the Xq-isochromosome was inactived.
painting probe, was carried out, according to the
The Y centromeric probe DYZ3 and the Y-chro-
published method (10).
mosome painting probe were not found to hy-
DNA samples from various sources, such as
bridize to either normal X chromosome, the
blood lymphocytes, skin, and gonad tissues, were
Xq-isochromosome, or autosomal chromosomes in
obtained. DNA was prepared from peripheral
the patient.
blood lymphocytes by the sodium dodecyl sulfate
Using eight different Y-chromosome-specific
(SDS)–proteinase K method, according to stan-
primers for PCR, there was no evidence for Y-spe-
dard procedures (11). The gonadal tissues were
cific sequences in DNA from peripheral blood
dissected into testicular and ovarian-like stroma
lymphocytes, skin fibroblasts, and gonads. The
components. Then, DNAs of the testicular and
molecular investigations disclose the absence of
ovarian-like stroma tissues from the right and left
SRY. Hidden mosaicism with a Y-bearing cell line
gonads were obtained, as described previously (12).
in all tissues was ruled out, due to the absence of Y
DNA was isolated from genital skin fibroblasts of
centromeric and other Y-specific sequences. In ad-
the patient, according to Eisentein (13).
dition, negative results were observed for all go-
Nine different sets of oligonucleotide primers
nadal tissues, irrespective of testicular and
were used for PCR: 1) PABY, a pseudoautosomal
ovarian-like stroma nature.
boundary region; 2) human SRY (the sex-deter-
mining gene of the Y chromosome), which pro-
duces a fragment 607 bp in length; 3) ZFY, a gene Discussion
located at the Yp; 4) DYS19, clustered GATA
Several lines of evidence suggest that this patient
repeats that mapped to the short arm of the Y
has partial (mixed) gonadal dysgenesis. First, the
chromosome; 5) DYZ3, which flanks a 170-bp
patient had ambiguous genitalia, indicating that
fragment of the alphoid repeats from the cen-
the solitary dysgenetic testis must have had dimin-
tromere human Y chromosome; 6) amelogenin,
ished Leydig cell production of testosterone during
which amplifies X- and Y-specific products with a
embryogenesis, which was insufficient to promote,
size difference; 7) Kal-Y, Kallman gene located on
via 5-a-dyhidrotestosterone, complete virilization
the proximal Yq; 8) DYZ1, a repetitive segment
of external genitalia. Secondly, the absence of wol-
that hybridizes to the distal long arm of the Y
ffian duct derivatives also suggests that the testis
chromosome; 9) CFTR gene from human chromo-
must have had diminished Leydig cell function.
some 7, an autosomal control that was co-am-
The presence of müllerian derivatives on the testic-
plified with the SRY primer set. Control DNA
ular side demonstrates that Sertoli cell function
from a normal male and a normal female were
was also abnormal. Finally, the histopathological
included in molecular studies. Oligonucleotide se-
appearance of the gonads was abnormal. The
quences and the PCR protocol have been previ-
histopathologic findings found in this patient are
ously described (14 – 22). All experiments were
diagnostic of mixed gonadal dysgenesis, according
carried out by the same female (46,XX karyotype).
to Robboy et al. (8).
The presence of Xq-isochromosome and testicu-
lar development does not correspond with any of
the previously described forms of mixed gonadal
Peripheral blood chromosome analysis of G- dysgenesis. A review of the literature revealed no
banded metaphases revealed a normal autosomal reports of cases with the Turner phenotype, 45,X/
complement and an abnormal X chromosome in 46,X,i(Xq) karyotype, and testicular development.
Xq-isochromosome and testicular tissue

Fig. 3. Details of metaphase spreads (GTG-staining), showing the patient’s Xq-isochromosome.

Isochromosome of the long arm of the X chromo- SRY exerts its function through transcriptional
some [i(Xq)] is a frequent structural chromosomal regulation of ‘downstream’ genes (24). Activation
abnormality. Some reported patients with this of ‘downstream’ genes regulated by SRY may ex-
chromosomal aberration have features of Turner plain cases of 46,XX sex reversal with no iden-
syndrome, and others have pure gonadal dysgene- tifiable SRY sequence. Such components of the
sis. Patients with i(Xq) are invariably short of testicular development pathway have not yet been
stature and have streak gonads, although some identified. Mechanisms that trigger testicular dif-
menstruate spontaneously. In our patient, the Xq- ferentiation on the right gonadal ridge must have
isochromosome was observed to be late replicating been present to explain the partial development of
in all cells examined ( \ 50), and by inference, was the testis in this patient, rather than the presence of
the inactive X chromosome in each cell. The Xq- an ovary or streak gonad. It is possible that incom-
isochromosome in our patient must have been in- plete testicular development in this patient could
be related to a defect in one of the genes involved
active in embryonic cells, and the features of
in the early stages of testicular determination or
Turner syndrome must have been produced in
differentiation. Presumably, somatic mutation of a
either 45,X cell lines or 46,X,i(Xq) cell lines. The
gene downstream from SRY in the right gonadal
equal size of Barr bodies noted in our patient ridge could explain this patient’s phenotype.
(much larger than normal) supports the hypothesis In spite of the molecular similarity of this pa-
of selective inactivation (our patient had only 11% tient to Y-negative-46,XX males and -46,XX-true
Barr bodies). It is difficult to explain the presence hermaphrodites, our patient obviously does not
of testicular development with two X chromo- have such conditions. Several hypotheses have
somes, one morphologically normal and another been proposed to explain the etiology of 46,XX
presumably inert, in the patient we described. males and 46,XX true hermaphrodites (6, 25). The
Male sex determination depends on the Y chro- same possible etiologies that can be invoked to
mosome gene known as SRY (23). It is generally explain the complete or incomplete testicular devel-
agreed that it involves a pathway of gene regula- opment in 46,XX males or 46,XX true
tion. The observation that SRY protein can bind hermaphrodites can explain the partial gonadal
to DNA with sequence specificity indicates that dysgenesis in this patient.
Álvarez-Nava et al.

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