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Rationale and background

People are deceived and progressed into presenting men and women with their own definition
of what is “perfect” or “beautiful” and has started to make an impact on self-esteem, some
define beauty on their personal preferences. Most people are dissatisfied with their bodies. This
is nothing new to us since the emergence of social media. Like those on Instagram and other
platforms who were judged and criticized for having pores, or those who received hate
comments and insult jokes for having imperfections.

It is causing insecurity for both sides, especially among women in young girls. We are dealing
with people who aren’t fully settled in their own identity yet. Real people compare themselves
with these norms of perfect beauty and fall short to think they are not beautiful enough. That is
why they’re using cosmetics to look more presentable, to boost their self-esteem, and most
importantly, to be accepted.

In reality, the more factual meaning of physical beauty is cleanliness and being body conscious.
The issues surrounding beauty concepts such as related to skincare and beauty treatment, how
society makes their own standard of beauty on how its prevalence in any mass media’s adverts
deserve our ministration. Take a particular person for example who suffers from dry, rough,
and itchy skin and irritations. Cetaphil can try to handle those problems related to skin
treatment and beauty standards.

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