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The Legend of the Spider

Long ago, in a kingdom in Mindanao, there lived a renowned weaver. Her name was Gamba.
Gamba was a good person. She did nothing else but to weave the clothes of her townmates
wholeheartedly. Whatever her neighbors could afford to give her payment for the clothing she
wove and sewed, she accepted it. As she became famous as a cloth weaver, the queen learned
about Gamba’s skill and let her made an elegant garment for her and she will be given tons of
gold. The days and night went by and Gamba did nothing else but to weave to finish the queens
The queen was very happy about her dress, but her townmates were not so happy
because she did not finished the clothes they asked her to make. Because of the opportunity
given to her she became haughty and arrogant. She asked her townmates golds in exchange to
the garments she weaved.
One day she was weaving when she felt hot wind enter her house. She could not speak and she
became smaller and smaller. Even this things were happening to her, she never stopped
weaving. Until one day, Gamba’s townmates noticed that she never came out of her house
anymore. When they entered home, they were astonished at the sight of a crawling animal
with eight legs that were like weaving hands.

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