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Lesson 1: Key of C and G Major

Competency: Reads simple musical notations in the key of C Major, F Major and G Major.

Objectives: At the end of the week, the learners are able to

o Identify simple musical notations in the key of C Major, F Major and G Major.
o Reads simple musical notations in the key of C Major, F Major and G Major.
o Appreciate simple musical notations in the key of C Major, F Major and G


Listen to the song entitled “Imagine: by John Lennon. Find out what is the melody of the


Activity 1

Direction: Identify what Major key is presented below. Write your answer on the blank

1. _________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________

Activity 2

Using the so-fa syllables, read the corresponding notes of the following key signatures.

3. 4. 5

6. 7. 8. 9 10

Formative Assessment

Direction: Explain briefly

How do you find the Filipino native songs in key of C major and G major relatively?


Reflective Feedback

1. What part of this Learning Activity Sheet is learned easily?

2. What part of this Learning Activity Sheets have you encountered with difficulty? 
3. What part of the lesson you find most interesting? 
4. What other questions do you want to ask in relation to the lesson?

Lesson 1 Answer Key

"Imagine" is a song by English rock musician John Lennon. The melody is
conjunct and the harmony of the song has consonance and is made up of
chords. The songs dynamic is mostly mezzo-piano and mezzo-forte. 

Activity 1
1. Key of C Major
2. Key of G Major

Activity 2

3. ti 6. do
4. fa 7. mi
5. do 8. re
9. do
10. re

Lesson 2: Key of F Major
Competency: Reads simple musical notations in the key of C Major, F Major and G Major.

Objectives: At the end of the week, the learners are able to

o Identify simple musical notations in the key of F Major.
o Reads simple musical notations in the key of F Major.
o Appreciate simple musical notations in the key of F Major.


Melody is a series of notes having a complete musical idea and presented one at a time.

Harmony is a series of notes presented at the same time.

In creating a melody or harmony, the notes maintain a specific distance from each other.
This is called interval. Interval is the distance between two notes.

Interval has two types, melodic and harmonic interval. Melodic interval is the distance
between two notes played separately while harmonic interval is the distance between two
notes played simultaneously.

Pause for a while… 11
Sing the song “Ako ay Pilipino”
Here are some examples of songs in Key of F Major
Activity 1
Direction: Identify the given so-fa syllables below. Draw the musical notes on the
scale provided for key of F Major.

do mi so la fa ti
Activity 2

Using the so-fa syllables, read the corresponding musical notes of the following key
signature and write your answer in the space provided.

re 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Formative Assessment

Direction: Explain briefly.

How do you find the presented song in key of F Major?

Write your answer on the space


Reflective Feedback

1. What part of this Learning Activity Sheet is learned easily?

2. What part of this Learning Activity Sheets have you encountered with difficulty? 
3. What part of the lesson you find most interesting? 
4. What other questions do you want to ask in relation to the lesson?


Lesson 2 Answer Key

Activity 1 Formative Assessment

Silent Night is written and played
here in the key of F Major, and
has a 3/4 (waltz) time signature


The 21st Century MAPEH in ACTION 6, pp. 25-32

Shine with MAPEH 6 pp. 34-35


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