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Ever wanted to have brainteasers that required you to think so much, your brain fell out?

Well then, try this out? Well, now you can!

This game is borrowed from The Big Bang Theory by the way.

First, a question is posted about a hypothetical world that differs from the real world in
one key aspect.

To answer, you must post the answer and your defense of why the answer is right. An
example question and answer:

Example Question Post:

Q: In a world where mankind is ruled by a giant intelligent beaver, what food is no longer

Example Answer Post:

A: Cheese danish
Defense: In a world ruled by a giant beaver, mankind builds many dams to please the
beaver overlord. The low lying city of Copenhagen is flooded. Thousands die.
Devastated, the Danes never invent their namesake pastry.

After 10-20 guesses (chosen by asker) you may reveal your answer OR give a hint. Note
that they should be convoluted; that's the goal.

The person with the closest answer (asker's discretion) will ask the next question.

I'll begin with this question here:

Q: In a world without dice, which flag would have one less star?

If glass wasn't transparent, Which city would have the statue of liberty?

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