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Krishia R.



1. Materialism - Human organisms are born empty and materialism
acquires meaning in accord with social and cultural teachings.
Thus, materialism is good because materialism contributes to
personal fulfillment and betterment of society, in general. But is
has a bad impact to some people who desire more to have
material things, it can affect their point of view to their personal life.
They might live with unhappy life and lack of emotional attachment
with others.
2. Needs - needs are strong motivators that move individuals towards
action and self-realization. From the most basic and necessary
related to survival, to the more subtle ones related with self-
realization and transcendence, needs form an essential part of our
life journey. We have our personal needs like food, clothing,
shelter, health care, and safety. Our personal needs means
assistance with activities of our daily living such as getting out of
bed, ambulation, exercise, toileting, dressing, eating, or bathing.
3. Self-gift - If we want to make relationships work, we must deny our
own needs and wants, and instead satisfy the needs and wants of
the other. Love, it is said, is the gift of self, which means sacrifice,
which these days means denying oneself for the good of others.
But sometimes we must think about ourself and what we feel and
be selfish in good terms which is for our own sake.
4. Happiness - happiness has also been linked to better decision-
making and improved creativity. So, rather than success being the
key to happiness, happiness could in fact be the key to success.
But it doesn't just help us function better: happiness also brings
substantial benefits for society as a whole. On the other hand,
others might find their happiness in material things but most of the
people find their happiness through their love one’s: family, friends.
5. Shopaholics – this kind of person has engaged or they are
addicted on material things around them. They buy whatever they
might see or the one who gets their attention, and lastly the one
they desire the most.

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