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How can you apply ISAD in your daily life? State 10 scenarios.

1. You may use ISAD in your everyday life, for example. When you wake up in the morning, you
think about what you're going to do and plan for the rest of the day.
2. Information system analysis and design helps people who have a business for example I have
business, using information system analysis and design helps me to identify my both
opportunities and problem by recognizing and evaluating strengths and weaknesses of my
3. Using information system analysis and design in my daily life will help me to be productive.
4. I will apply ISAD in my daily life to help me organize my things just like organizing facts and
information in a business.
5. I will use ISAD in my daily life to improve myself to become a better version of me.
6. Information system analysis and design helps me to develop myself, what are my skills,
capabilities and strength.
7. I can use information system analysis and design in my daily, for example I have business ISAD
will help me to design and improve my business quality and increased my profits.
8. Using ISAD in my daily life teach me to learn step-by-step process because in life there’s no
shortcut, to become successful in life you need to be hardworking and go under step-by-step
9. The 5 steps of systems development life cycle help me to be more organized, make plan and be
more futuristic on what I’m going to be in my future life.
10. ISAD objective is to determine specific needs of system, so in my daily life ISAD help me to
determine what is the things what I’m going to do to be successful in life

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