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Practice paper II

Maximum Marks: 50
Time allowed: One hour (inclusive of reading time)
The marks intended for questions are given in brackets [ ]

SECTION A (30 Marks)

Question 1 [5x1=5]
Choose the correct option :
a.The relationship between classes and objects is that:
1.Objects can produce classes 2. A class is an instance of an object
3.Objects are blueprints of classes 4.A class can produce multiple objects

b. Compilation of a java program results in :

1. Source code 2. Object code
3. Byte code 4. Assembly language code

c. The java expression for

a2 +b2 x (a+b) 5


1.((Math.sqrt( Math.pow(a+b),2)) * Math . pow(a+b, 5)) / (a*b)

2. (Math.sqrt( a*a + b*b) * Math . pow(a+b, 5)) / (a*b)
3. (Math.sqrt( a x a + b x b) * Math.pow(a+b, 5)) / (a*b)
4. (Math.sqrt( a*a + b*b) * Math . sqrt(a+b, 5)) / (a*b)

d. The keyword used to access the content of another package is :

1.package 2. import 4. export

e. How many times will the following loop execute ?

int x=2, y=50;

1. 4 2. 5 3. 1 4. 3
Question 2 [5x1=5]
Fill in the blanks with the correct option.

a.___________ is a user-defined data type.

1. String
2. double
3. class
4. char

b. Performing a set of statements repeatedly is called ____________.

1.Function call 2. Iteration
3.Conditional statement 4. Terminating a loop

c. import java . util . Scanner;

(i) (ii)
Identify i and ii.
1. i-package, ii-object
2. i.-class, ii-package
3. i.-package, ii-class
4. i.-package, ii-method

d. != is a ___________ operator.
1. Logical 2.Relational
2.Assignment 4.Arithmetic

e.switch-case can be replaced with _____________.

3.for() 4.if-else

Question 3 [5x1=5]
Name the following :

a. A variable, a copy of which every object has.

1.Instance variable 2.Static variable 3.Local variable

b. A double data converted to int data :

1. Data conversion 2. Implicit type conversion 3. Explicit type conversion

c.The function used to round off a number to an integer value :

1.Math.ceil() 2.Math.round() 3.Math.floor()

d.The keyword used to jump out of a loop :

1.default 2.continue 3.break

e.The error type which results in a wrong output :

1.Logical 2. Syntax 3.Run-time
Question 4 [5x1=5]
State true or false.

a.Math.random() returns a value between 0 to 1, both inclusive.

1.true 2.false

b.Scanner class has to be imported to accept values using the next() function.
1.true 2.false
c.The function Integer.parseInt() is used to convert an int value into a String value.
1.true 2.false

d. A binary operator will have two operands.

1.true 2.false

e. default statement is compulsory in switch-case.

1.true 2.false

Question 5 [5x1=5]
Choose the odd one

a)1.break 2.continue 4.return

b)1.3+4 2. 5*7 3. 8%5 4. 30 > 50

c)1. == 2. >= 3. || 4. <=

d)1.String 2.char 4.double

e)Math.round() 2.nextInt() 3.nextDouble()

Question 6 [5x1=5]
1.Give the output of the following :

a. char c= (char) 69;

String res=(c>=’a’ && c<=’z’) : “Lower Case “ : “Upper Case”;

1.Lower case 2. Upper case 3. False 4.true

b int a=6,b=3,c=9;
int x=(a--)-(--a)+(b++)*(--c);

1.23 2. 22 3. 26 4. - 26
c. Math.pow(Math.max(5,3), Math.min(5,3));

1. 625 2.125 3. 25.0 4.125.0

d. class A
static int add(int a)
return a+10;
static double add(double a)
return a+20;
void calc()
int x=add(50);
System.out.println(“The value of x is :”+x);

1.The value of x is : 50 2. The value of x is : 70.0

3. The value of x is : 60 3. The value of x is : 50.0

e. int n = 2;
switch (n)
case 1: System.out.println(“One”);
case 2: System.out.println(“Two”);
case 3: System.out.println(“Three”);
case 4: System.out.println(“Four”);
default: System.out.println(“Invalid number”);

1. One
2. Two
3. Two
4. Two
Invalid number

SECTION B (20 Marks)

Question 7
A company announces revised Dearness Allowance (DA) and Special Allowance (SA) for their
employees as per the tariff given below :
Basic DA SA
Upto Rs.10,000 10% 5%
Rs.10,001 to Rs.20,000 12% 8%
Rs.20,001 to Rs.30,000 15% 10%
Rs.30,001 and above 20% 12%

WAP to accept the name and Basic Salary of an employee and calculate and display the
gross salary.
Gross Salary = Basic + Dearness Allowance + Special Allowance
Display the information in the given format :
Name Basic DA Spl. Allowance Gross Salary [6x1=6]
….. ….. ….. ….. ……

import java.util.Scanner;
class EmployeeSalary
public static void main(String args[])
String name;
double basic, da, sa, gross, daPerc, saPerc;
Scanner sc=new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Enter the employee name :");
System.out.println("Enter the basic salary :");
(a) __________
else if((c)___________)
else if(basic>=20001 && basic<=30000)
System.out.println("Name\t\tBasic\tDA\tSpl. Allowance\tGross Salary");
(a)1. basic=sc.nextInt();
2. basic=sc.nextDouble();

(b)1. daPerc=10.0;
2. daPerc=5.0;
3. daPerc=10.0/10;

(c)1. basic>10001 || basic<=20000

2. basic >=10001 || basic <20000
3. basic>=10001 && basic<=20000

(d) 1. saPerc=12.0;
2. saPerc=12.0/10;
3. saPerc=20.0;

(e) * basic; * basic;
3. sa=(saPerc/100)*basic;

(f)1. System.out.println(“name\t\t basic\t da\t sa\t gross”);

2. System.out.println(name+”\t\t”+ basic+”\t”+ da+”\t”+ sa+”\t”+ gross);
3. System.out.println(“name”+\t\t+”basic”+\t+” da”+\t+” sa”+\t +“gross”);

Question 8
WAP to create a class Overload, with the specifications given below :
display() – 1/2 + 2/3 + 3/4 + ………..+ 19/20
display(int a, int n) – S= 1/a + 1/ a2 + 1/ a3+……..+1/an
main()-calls the above method and passes the values of a and n. [6x1=6]

class Overload
static void display()
double sum=0.0;
double n, d;
for(n=1.0, (a)_______;n<=19.0; n++, d++)
System.out.println("The sum of the series is :"+sum);
static void display((c)__________)
double sum=0.0;
for(int i=1; (d)________; i++)
System.out.println("The sum of the series is :"sum);
public static void main(String args[])

(a)1. d=1.0
2. n=2.0
3. d=2.0

(b)1. sum+(n/d);
2. sum=sum+n/d;
3. sum+ (n*d);

(c) a, double n a; int n;
3. int a, int n

(d)1. i<=n
2. i<n ;
3. i<=10

(e) 1. Math.pow(a,i);
2. 1/Math.pow(a ,i);
3. 1/Math.pow(a,a);

(f)1. display(10 );
2. display();
3. ob.display();

Question 9
The following program segment displays the sum of the digits of a number n. (A perfect
square is a number the square root of which is an integer number.)
Complete it by choosing the appropriate options. [4x1=4]
void perfectSquare(int n)
(a)__________ sq, flr;
System.out.println(“The number “+n+” is not a Perfect square”);
(a)1. double
2. int
3. float

(b)1. sqrt(n);
2. Math.sqrt(n);
3. Math.ceil(n);

(c)1. sq != flr
2. sq==flr
3. flr==n

(d)1. System.out.println(“The number “+n+” is not a Perfect square”);

2. System.out.println(“The number “+sq+” is a Perfect square”);
3. System.out.println(“The number “+n+” is a Perfect square”);

Question 10
Read the paragraph given below and answer the questions given below.

Case study 1
The flow of control during the execution of a program takes place in the following ways :
i)Normal / Sequential flow of control
ii)Conditional flow of control
iii)Multiple branching of control
In the Normal flow of control, the statements are executed one after the other in a
In a Conditional flow of control, a condition is checked and if the condition evaluates to
true, one set of statements are executed, otherwise another set of statements are
executed. The constructs if, if-else, if-else if, nested if, ternary operator are Conditional
In Multiple branching of control, a particular block of statements are executed out of a
number of blocks, as per the user’s choice. Switch-case is a multiple branching
construct. In this based on the value of a variable, the block of statements pertaining to
the matching case value is executed. A break statement is used to terminate a block.
(a)A set of statements are executed based on a condition check.
1. Normal flow
2. Conditional flow
3. Multiple-branching

(b) The statement used to jump out of switch case :

1. switch-case
2. condition check
3. break

(c) Statements are executed in sequence.

1. Normal flow
2. Conditional flow
3. Multiple-branching

(d)if char c=’2’;

case ‘1’: day=”Sunday”;
case ‘2’: day=”Monday”;
case ‘3’: day=”Tuesday”;
default: day=”Wrong day”;
What will be the value in variable day?
1. Sunday
2. Monday
3. Wrong day


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