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Tema 13

English: Waystage A2
Life experiences and achievements
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE Unidad de Educación a Distancia

Learning Activity 13
Film a video. This is a collaborative work which will be done in pairs.

A Conversation

Topic: Meeting an old friend you haven’t met for a while

- Assume you meet a friend on an urban bus. He was a classmate at secondary


- Talk about what you have (or haven’t) done, learned, achieved; and why you
haven’t bought a car yet.

- Talk about why some students have not entered the university yet.

- Comparisons, occupations
- Present perfect tense
- Conclude your conversation talking about a dream sport.

1. Roleplay a conversation according to the guidelines.
2. You need to organize a zoom meeting with the student who you are going to
work with.
3. Your face must be clearly identified along the conversation, no masks must
be worn.
4. Start your presentation with a cover page which includes the name of the
university, the names of the participants and the topic.
5. Your recording must be between 3 to 3.5 minutes maximum.
6. You must record the meeting, upload it to YouTube and send only the link
directly to the platform. Check it carefully before you send it.

Evaluation Criteria

 Grammar & vocabulary related to themes 12 and 13: 5 points

 Pronunciation and fluency: 6 points
 Coherence: 3 points
 Creativity 3 points
 Meets the requested time: 3 points___

Life Experiences and Achievements 2

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