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Educación Primaria Inglés 2020-2021

Hand out
5th Grade
Week 1.
1. Order the sentences.
a. ground / to / Drop / the /. ___________________________

b. a sturdy table / Take cover / by / or other piece / getting under / of furniture. _________


c. stops / Stay / until / indoors / the shaking /. ____________________________________

d. windows / from / Stay away /. ____________________________________

e. the / Don’t / elevators / use /. _________________________________

Week 2.
2. Complete the sentences with a connector of sequence.

What to do in case you or a friend get burned.

a. __________, call your local emergency service.

b. __________, cover the burn with a clean piece of gauze.
c. _____________, run cool water over the burn until the pain lessens. Do not put butter
or mayonnaise.
d. _________, remove clothing or jewelry from the burned area unless it is stuck to the
e. __________, wait for profesional help.

Week 3.
3. Answer the questions.
a. Who can you call for help? ______________________________.

b. What can you do if a friend gets stung by a bee? ________________________________.

c. Where would you find a fire sign? _______________________.

d. What’s easier to remember a picture or a text?___________________.

e. Do you know what to do in case of an emergency? ______________________________.

Lainitas Primaria 2020-2021

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