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First and foremost, L& G let me enlighten you with the points rendered to you by my fellow

team members.

Undoubtly, h/work does not promote ss to be independent learners. Students only tend to copy
from textbook, fill in the blanks, drawing and write pages after pages which could not be proved
that learning takes place while they are doing all the above mentioned exercises. L&G, students
are doing it for the sake of completing it so that they would not be punished by their teacher or
being embarrassed in front of their classmates. It is not done for the love of so called learning
which h/work presumably created for. Students should have time to revise the lessons that they
have gone through in school so that they will be able to know whether they have understood
whatever the teacher have taught them. If not read up on their own or do researches to further
develop their understanding of the subjects. Rather than completing pages of unrealistic h/works.

L& G, Nowadays students have less time for themselves. They have to spend 6 to 8 hours in
school and traveling to and fro school for about 1 to 2 hours. After a tiring day they have to
sacrifice the little time that they have to complete the daunting homework that are forced on
them. When will they have time to play, to read for pleasure, to pursue their hobby or to be with
their parents? Childhood time is especially crucial for children. This is the time they learn
through playful interaction, problem solving skill and socializing with friends. This skill cannot
be taught in school. Just look at today’s students, as young as 4 years old burdened with
homework. Look at them, after school busy doing all the homeworks and building up stress at
the same time. L& G this precious being should enjoy his/her childhood rather than completing
the monstrous homeworks.

L&G once again the points presented to you by my team members conclusively shows that
homework doesn’t serve any significant purpose in students learning. Hence, students must not
be burdened with piles of homework. Let them spend their time in school for learning and their
time at home for their own interest and for their parents.

L&G my 1st rebuttal to this motion, based on the opposition’s point that h/work serves as a
platform for students to exhibit their knowledge as well as skills they pick up in the classroom.
L&G, according to Kohn teachers basically give repetitive exercises of what they have taught the
students in the classroom. Please, pay attention here my worthy opposition team. If students
repeat the same exercises that they have done in the classroom, it will be like regurgitating
whatever input given by the teacher. Students are like robots doing the same kind of exercises
day in and day out. As a result, it becomes a practice but it is not perfect as it doesn’t show any
new learning to take place.

My 2nd rebuttal focuses on the point that h/work supposedly can reinforce new concepts taught
that day and it shows a better understanding of what they have learned. L&G, let me shed some
light of truth here, as I said earlier h/work is just a repetitive exercise that done mechanically
over and over again without _______________________. Therefore, it is more of rote learning.
As you know meaningful learning has better retention than rote learning. Students can complete
their homework but does it show how they did it. Students could copy their friends or from
workbooks and hand in the homework as their work. So teachers can only see the end product
not the process of how it was done.

I strongly believe that h/work doesn’t show the understanding of their learning or the process of

L&G, in today’s fast moving world we can’t jeopardize our students’ future by giving them
h/work that require them to write endlessly. There are other ways to make learning enjoyable.
The time spend in school should be used to the maximum for teaching and learning. The time
given in school is more than enough for the teachers to know their students ability. Therefore,
don’t tell me that teachers will be able to know whether students have learned something during
the lesson conducted in class only through homework.

In short, h/work doesn’t serve any practical purpose to students that can help them in their
learning. It becomes a burden which was detested by all the students. L&G abolish h/work and
please find other means which promotes students metacognitive skill. With this I repeat that
homework must be abolished for the betterment of the students.

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