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QNO 3(B)

Effective risk control measures must be implemented to address the immediate, underlying, and
fundamental causes of hostile occurrences in order to prevent them. The degree of investigation should
be defined not by the harm or ill health endured on this occasion, but by the probable ramifications and
probability of the unpleasant occurrence recurrence. The apprentice accident should be reported by
opting, information allocated with the incidental area (including how, who, where it happened, and
exposure of people and identifying deficiencies). Secondly is to analyze the gathered information which
comprises to find the instantaneous, underlying and root causes. This also involves, skill based errors
(slips, trips and lapses), mistake based error (rule based and knowledge based) and violation based
concerns. The third step in reporting insulates identifying the hazards allocates with in the vicinity and
provisioning appropriate measures i.e. (Recommendations, reminiscing control measures, adaptability
of measures from congruent scenarios and implications). The last approach is to implement the advised
control measures within perimeter of SMART approach. Accompanying the risk action plan, reminiscent
of risk assessment and recording-analyzing the mitigation guide through.

Scenario Based

Jacinto, C., & Aspinwall, E. (2003). Work accidents investigation technique (WAIT)–Part I. Safety Science
Monitor, 7(1), 1-17.

Renschler, Lauren A., et al. "Employee perceptions of their organization's level of emergency
preparedness following a brief workplace emergency planning educational presentation." Safety and
health at work 7.2 (2016): 166-170.


Hughes, P., & Ferrett, E. (2015). Introduction to Health and Safety at Work: For the NEBOSH National
General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety. Routledge.

Gibb, A., Haslam, R., Gyi, D., Hide, S., & Duff, R. (2006, November). What causes accidents?.
In Proceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers-Civil Engineering (Vol. 159, No. 6, pp. 46-50). Thomas
Telford Ltd.


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