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TASK # 6

The previous near Misses investigation findings will help to prevent such kind of accidents that
happened in the car showroom. A near miss is a leading indicator to an accident that, if
scrutinized and used correctly, can prevent injuries and damages”. Near-miss reporting adds
value in an organization when it is treated in a proactive way. If we want to stop accident to
happen, we must focus to investigate near misses. The previous near misses’ investigation
findings will be helpful in following ways

 It can help to identify immediate and root causes of an Incident. Incidents are usually
caused by unsafe acts and unsafe condition in the workplace. Once these causes are
identified, we can rectify these things timely by identifying proper corrective and &
preventative actions to prevent recurrence.
 It will help to record the information of the near misses to record the factual evidences to
improve controls measures
 Incident investigation are an implicit legal duty impose on the employer. So, by
investigating near misses will rectify the issues timely to avoid any legal enforcement
actions against the car showroom company in case of any accidents.
 Investigation of near misses has a detrimental effect on morale and safety culture
because the workers will assume that the organisation does value their safety.
 Investigation will also help to update and review the risk assessment by addressing the
deficiencies and shortcomings
 Use investigation results to improve safety systems, hazard control, risk reduction, and
lessons learned. All of these represent opportunity for training, feedback on performance
and a commitment to continuous improvement
 Near misses’ investigation can be used to discipline workers because their behavior has
fallen short of the accepted standard and to improve the safety culture in the company.
 Near misses’ statistics can be used to identify the trends and patterns of such incident
occurring in the workplace and can be used to highlight the gaps in the car showroom.


RRC INTERNATIONAL STUDYT MATERIAL, IG1 , Management of Health & safety\

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