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Elizabeth Kim

AP Lang & Comp

John McPhee essay
Ice Cream

Ice cream or ice-cream is a frozen dessert usually made from dairy products, such as milk and
cream, and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavors. Most varieties contain sugar,
although some are made with other sweeteners. In some cases, artificial flavorings and colorings are
used in addition to the natural ingredients. This mixture is stirred slowly while cooling to prevent large
ice crystals from forming; the result is a smoothly textured ice cream.
The first frozen dessert is credited to Emperor Nero of Rome. It was a mixture of snow (which he
sent his slaves into the mountains to retrieve) and nectar, fruit pulp and honey. Another theory is Marco
Polo, 13th century bard and adventurer, brought with him to Europe from the Far East recipes for water
ices....said to be used in Asia for thousands of years.
The ice creams we enjoy today are said to have been invented in Italy during the 17th century.
They spread northward through Europe via France. "French-style" ice cream (made with egg yolks) and
its American counterpart, "Philadelphia-style," are (no eggs, or egg whites only) enriched products made
with the finest ingredients. Vanilla is the most popular flavor of this genre. As time and technology
progressed, ice cream flavors (Pistachio, Rocky Road, Chunky Monkey), complicated confections (19th
century Neapolitan bricks, English bombes & American cakes), and novelty concoctions (hokey-pokey
treats, ice cream bars, popsicles, sundaes, sodas & banana splits), proliferated. At first, ice cream was
simply as its name suggests: cream, perhaps sweetened, set in a pot nestling in ice to cool it down. But
before long recipes became more sophisticated, and the technique of periodic stirring to prevent the
formation of ice crystals was introduced, and ice cream was set on a career of unbroken popularity.
Italians were the undisputed master in developing methods of chilling freezing drinks. The
creation of sorbet resulted from experiments in chilling drinks, and it too became a matter of myth.
Supposedly, sorbet was also brought to France by Catherine de'Medici. There is no documentary
evidence to support this hypothesis, however and we cannot prove that the art of sorbet making was
already practiced in Italy in the middle of the sixteenth century. The first ice creams, in the sense of an
iced and flavored confection made from full milk or cream, are thought to have been made in Italy and
then in France in the 17th century, and to have been diffused from the French court to other European
countries. The first recorded English use of the term ice cream (also given as iced cream) was by
Ashmore (1672), recording among dishes served at the Feast of St. George at Windsor in May 1671 One
Plate of Ice Cream'.
The 15 most popular flavors are Vanilla, Chocolate, Butter pecan, Strawberry, Neapolitan,
Chocolate chip, French vanilla, Cookies and cream, Vanilla fudge ripple, Praline pecan, Cherry, Chocolate
almond, Coffee, Rocky road, and Chocolate marshmallow. Ice creams flavors are also used for
personality test because each favorite flavor has its own meaning. For example:
Butter Pecan- If your favorite flavor is Butter Pecan; you might be characterized as the perfect
worker. You are devoted, conscientious, respectful and fiscally conservative. You hold high standards for
right and wrong and show integrity in all of your actions. This includes an extreme sensitivity for others
feelings. You are one to wear your heart on your sleeve; it takes a little encouragement from close
friends and family to share your deepest thoughts.
Romantic Compatibility: You are most romantically compatible with those who prefer Mint Chocolate
Chocolate Chip -As a chocolate chip lover, you are competitive and accomplished; no victory is
sweet without a little hard work. Although you are competent and ambitious in love and work, you are
generous with your time and money, never taking your blessings for granted. Your captivating
personality makes you a shining star in social situations.
Romantic Compatibility: You are most romantically compatible with those who prefer Butter Pecan or
Double Chocolate Chunk
Coffee -As a coffee lover, you are lively, dramatic and flirtatious thriving on the passion of the
moment. Because you throw yourself into all that you do, you tend to be over-committed, starting new
projects without finishing old ones. You tend to become bored by dull relationships and thrive on new
and exciting ventures.
Romantic Compatibility: You are most compatible with those who prefer Strawberry.
Vanilla -There is nothing plain about Vanilla. In fact, if you love Vanilla, you are actually a
colorful, dramatic risk taker who relies more on intuition than logic. Emotionally expressive and
idealistic, you tend to set high goals for yourself, and push yourself to meet and exceed them. On the
romantic front, you tend to rely on secure romantic relationships that fulfill your emotional needs while
working toward future objectives.
Romantic Compatibility: You are most romantically compatible with those who prefer Rocky Road.

Despite all the history about ice cream and how it is a dessert, to me it’s much more than just
food. It cures my mood, more specifically my bad moods. When I’m sad, gloomy or depressed, or even
angry and mad, I tend to crave ice cream. I don’t do it intentionally, my body just wants it. My day would
not be satisfied without it. In addition I’ve realized that many other people are like me, I one specific
movie I saw, the main girl character was shoving ice cream in her mouth after she was dumped by her
boyfriend. I feel like ice cream is really more than a dessert to mostly females. It’s like a friend who’s
there to soothe you feelings.

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