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Describe one of the historical places in your hometown.

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Kilometer Zero or Km 0 is actually the location where the start is traditionally measured.
Historically, Banjarmasin is "less familiar" with the term zero kilometer. Urang Banjar is more familiar
with the term pal or "paal", from the Dutch language meaning pole. The Dutch symbolize the first
Paal (pole) which is generally in front of the post office, the zero kilometer point, the palace, the
crossroads. Before the Banjarmasin Kilometer Zero Monument which is estimated to be in the
1990s, there is a historical background on which to base it. During the Dutch East Indies period, at
the construction site of the Banjarmasin Kilometer Zero Monument, there was a Banjar War
Memorial. The monument with colonial architecture as a symbol. This monument means victory
based on Prince Antasari October 11, 1862.

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