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Being productive this day is hard especially during this pandemic wherein only selected people

are allowed to go outside, many of us had nowhere to go and nothing to do, thus this becomes an

unhealthy lifestyle. Particularly students who attend online class are having a hard time in being

productive due to the distracting factors that hindrances their focus and attention in class

resulting in poor performance.

Some research studies say that performing a physical activity such as exercise boosts our mind.

According to Carek et al (2011)"Evidence suggests that physical activity stimulates widespread

neurobiological, hormonal and physiological adaptations, which may alleviate some symptoms,

treat or even prevent mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression". This means that

doing regular physical activities give more energy, prevents onset tiredness throughout the day,

but also maintaining speed and improving mental performance.

Regardless of knowing the fact that physical activities have a lot of good benefits that was

thought in years of Physical Education and Health. Many students rather forget it and cannot

apply it to their life. Especially in this situation wherein were stuck in our home and having

online class sitting all day and some of us might not be able to become more active and

productive in class, in addition, students will be vulnerable to sickness which can lead to not

fully able to participate in class resulting again in a low grade.

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