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The poem ‘Keeping Quiet’ written by Pablo Neruda leaves a message of

universal brotherhood and peace. He urges people to stop all sorts of
aggression, including that towards the environment. If we think of
ourselves as the hands of the clock on the face of this earth, moving in
our routine ways, won’t it be a good thing to stop at twelve and do
some introspection. From the poem, we learnt that people should
remain calm and composed. So it teaches us to be quiet and still. It is
no use to hinder others. We should grow and develop at our own place.

Watching the people in the documentary we came to know that

majority people do not care about the climate and the environment.
Climate change can only be stopped if people understand what climate
change is and how to act upon it. So individuals need to change the way
they think and act to “change minds, not the climate”, and education is
crucial to achieve the dramatic transformation that is needed.

We all got to know that Green Revolution improved the economy of

farmers, and their standard of living has greatly improved. In addition
to that, it has also helped reduce world hunger by a significant margin,
as well as bolster the production of food grain. This also made us aware
of the fact that this was all possible only because of self-introspection
by the pioneer of Green Revolution, Norman Borlaug, who
singlehandedly led the revolution to success through research and hard
work in plant pathology. It reduced the import of food grains, due to
self-sufficiency. And last but not the least the revolution increased the
use of fertilizers and improved the quality of crops.

We have also watched a documentary on biological weapon, and

learnt about its history as well the alarmingly serious impact of a
biological warfare on the humankind. It was surprising to see it
that preventing a biological warfare was one of the very few things
that all the countries of the world have come to an agreement
upon. The world has introspected on the prospects of destruction
that can be caused by various wars. And it’s time for the future
generation which consists of us students, to keep up that legacy.

Albert Einstein has said on this

“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but
World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones”

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