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‘0910212022 13:28 'ADB Command Support Crosting Sept > Advanea Seriping > ADB Command Search Eggplant Lit ADB Command Support “This post discusses how to use the Android Debugging Bridge (ADB) command line tool with Eggplant Functional to communicate with an Android device Note: You can now use the ADBCall) function for communicating with Andoiddevioes, so the mathod Presented hare eno longer requred. However we leave ths article as a eenping examele. {ADB is @ command ne tool that lets you communicate with an Android device thats connected over USB, or ‘wth an emulator. It allows you to pull data fom the device such as application lg fles, memory usage data, {and push and pull appieaons, This is very useful when doing regression testing, as you ean automate the hele process. fom piling the old application fom the davee to pushing a new application onto the devia, ‘ane then testing the application ise ‘The only SonseTak you reod to use in Eggplant Functional todo this isthe Shell function, which allows you to niiato @ command ine call on your Eggplant Functonal machine. Downloads Required + SDK Download + ADB Commands Step by Step: Set-up Instructions 41, Download and install the Android SOK on your Eggplant Functional machine here, 2. Connect the device to your Eggplant Functional machine via USB. 3. Create a script in your suite called "ad, and save the below code in that script: For Mac: params MyCommand ut shel (ed /Users/MaxGerrard/Dacuments/ah act bundle-mac986_64-20130729/platform 200s", "Jacb” && MyCommand) //Crange the ed command tothe path of your patorm-o0sflder. For Windows: params MyCommand shell "\windows\systen2\emd exe, <> 88 MyCommand && “> acbexperiment. tt shell "\windows\systens2\emd exe", <> 8& MyCommand 88. "> someFllesot” //Change the cd ‘command to the path of your pltform-tool folder, put file "C:\wherever\somil bt" 4. Running an ADB command on the device is 2 simple as runing an ADB command in your sei ‘You simply passin any ADB command you want to run, as shown Below ab "devees Find out what deviees are connected adb “shell cumpsys meminfo-a" Output the memory information ofthe device. Eurther Resources hitpssdocs. Flusinglept-adb-command-suppor hinit~text=ADB fsa command ine.and push and pull applications. ‘0910212022 13:28 'ADB Command Support + ADB Commands st Search Eggplant Lit Flusinglept-adb-command-suppor. hint text=ADB fsa command ine.and push and pull applications. 22

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