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Study Habits and Academic Performance of Grade 12

Senior High Selected Students


Abastillas, Quenie Dominique C.

Ramos, Christian Carl L.

Serafin, Daryl Mae D.

Llames, Roda Mae C.

Obias, Ian Niño A.


Ms. Pearl Ranido

A Research Proposal Presented to the Faculty of University

of Cebu Maritime Education and Training Center

Approval Sheet

This research proposal entitled Study Habits and Academic Performance of

Grade 12 Senior High Selected Students is prepared and submitted by the Science,

Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students namely Quenie Dominique C.

Abastillas, Christian Carl L. Ramos, Daryl Mae D. Serafin, Roda Mae C. Llames and Ian

Niño A. Obias.


Mrs. Fernanda N. Ranido


Title Page PAGE

Approval Sheet ii

Table of Contents iii



Rationale of the Study 1
Theoretical Background 3
Review of Related Literature 5

Statement of the Problem 10

Statement of the Hypothesis 10
Significance of the Study 11
Research Design 12
Research Instrument 12
Research Environment 13
Research Respondents 13
Research Procedure 14




A Research Instrument 22

B Location Map 25





Education is one of the most important things in life that an individual must have.

As defined, it is the knowledge and development resulting from an  educational process

(Merriam-Webster, 2017).Additionally, it as often as possible happens under the

direction of others, yet may likewise be self-teaching. Any experience that

formatively affects the way one think, feels, or acts might be viewed as instructive.

That is the reason why, the Philippine government assigns the highest budgetary priority

(Article XIV sec. 5 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution) to provide accessible education to

all. Through education and hard work, success is made possible.

Performance is how well or badly something is done. Its relevance stand out

because of the significance it holds to the society. In the educational parlance, performance

manifests through academic achievement, which is the manifestation of a student’s habit of

study and they in turn are formed and strengthened through education. The development of

good study habits is equally relative and helpful not only in academic work but in career

actualization. And because this interrelationship cannot be overlooked, the academic

achievement and study habit of the student to a large extent culminates into shaping an

individual destiny. The general belief is that students who exercise good study habits are

likely to excel than those with poor study habits. According to Sharma (2005, p.67)”

academic performance is a necessary evil because one kind of ability is rewarded

economically and socially more than others.” This necessitates concern over factors that are

commonly linked with academic achievement (Siahi& Maiyo, 2015).

“Study habits defined as the regular tendency and practice that one depicts during

the process of gaining information through learning. Indeed, establishing a proper and

efficient study habit will make one’s high school life meaningful and challenging. In

addition, it is a pre-requisite on attaining a successful and prosperous life in the near future.

But, if the students do not have a good study habits, this could be a reason for them to get

low grades or failing the subject or dropping out in the school. And that is the most of the

problems of majority of the schools and even in the entire country.” (Venturina, G., 2014)

Students should observe and form good and proper study habits in order for them to

achieve excellent academic performance. However, it has been observed by teachers and

other school personnel that students nowadays do not even bother to study the notes they

have taken down and the books that they have received. This makes them less attentive and

interested in learning and negatively impacts academic performance thus degrading the

excellence of their studies.

This study addressed the increasing importance of the student’s academic

achievement measured by the test scores, through examining study habits of students in its

relation.By encouraging proper study habits through the use of both the internet and their

peers, students can practice these habits in a comfortable and engaging atmosphere thus

improving their efficiency in learning and allowing for the development of academically

excellent students. It is important to know the relationship between a good study habit and

its respective academic performance to provide some recommendation on how to improve

one’s performance.
Theoretical Background

These days, students need to have a good study habit in order to have a good

knowledge in everything. Study habit is characterized as the general inclination and

practice that one portrays amid the way toward picking up data through learning.

According to M.T.V Ngaraju (2004) that study habit serves as the vehicle of

learning and poor study habits makes tension in the understudies. On the off chance that he

ponders well, propensities for good examination will make him give a decent execution.

The study anchors on the theory of Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan known as

‘Self-determination’. The theory states that the student himself and the free factors have an

extraordinary part in molding the student's examination propensity. Self- determination is

innate to an individual and together with the mental needs. This theory emphasizes on the

individual’s motivation and how the outside variables effects on the individual’s execution.

Motivation is very important in an individual’s task because it is the main ingredient in

having a good outcome of a task.

The self-determination theory underpins three essential mental needs that must be

fulfilled to encourage prosperity and wellbeing. The first one is the competence – seek to

control the outcome and experience mastery. Second, the relatedness – the universal want

to interact or be connected to. And the last one, autonomy – the universal urge to be causal

agents of one's own life and act in harmony with one's integrated self. These three

psychological needs can be generally connected to.

Studying is one of the most important responsibilities you have during school.

Keeping up great study habit will enable you to take in your material and succeed.
Alternately, poor study habits will make it harder for you to exceed expectations in your

courses. Luckily, there are a few strategies you can use to enhance your study habits during

school. There are a lot of ways for us to improve in academic field.

These theories want to show the importance of having a good study habit for the

students to have a good performance and good grades in school. These theories will helps

to achieve and to have a good study habit. To have a good study habit "Self-determination"

Theory should be applied and also, by understanding the Theory of M.T.V Ngaraju (2004).
Review of Related Literature

Training in study habits increases academic achievement of children (Garrison,

1980). This means that having a proper and good study habit may influence to have a good

academic achievement.

K. Premalakshmi (2012) conducted a study on the study habits and academic

achievement of higher secondary students. It stated that the variable, study habit, is

contributing to the academic achievement of children. Study habit is an individual capacity.

A few kids jump at chance to peruse alone, some need to peruse in a group. Some children

read so anyone might hear and some read noiselessly. It may defines as “strategies of a

work”, in which the children do different types of study habits. It may be note-taking,

building vocabulary, writing term papers and taking examination. Study habit is one of the

factors that get the student to have a brighter academic achievement of students.

Development of a good study is an art (K. Premalakshmi, 2012). The first step to

have a good academic achievement is to formulate a regular study habit. Children practice

themselves at home and in school in order to have a good study habits. They should be

guided properly. Through the help of the parents and teachers, the children would

strengthen their ability to study and to contribute positively to the aspects of learning.

K. Premalakshmi (2012) stated that the students of a government do not get a

proper attention from their parents, teachers, and peers. So, special care should be given to

the students to have a better understanding. The students should attain a good study habits

to have a good academic achievement and to have a brighter future.

Student’s academic performance occupies a very important place in education as

well as in the learning process. It is considered as a key criterion to judge one’s total

potentialities and capacities (Nuthana & Yenagi, 2009) which are frequently measured by

the examination results. It is used to pass judgment on the quality of education offered by

academic institutions. In fact, it is still the most topical debate in higher learning

institutions that caused great concern to educators and researchers due to the alarming

examination performance of students.

It says that the understudy's scholarly execution possesses a vital place in training

and also in the learning procedure. It is considered as a key basis to judge one's aggregate

possibilities and limits which are every now and again measured by the examination comes

about. It is utilized to condemn the nature of instruction offered by scholastic foundations.

Truth be told, it is as yet the most topical civil argument in higher learning organizations

that made awesome concern teachers and specialists because of the disturbing examination

execution of understudies. Productive investigation propensities are related with a great

demeanor toward learning in general. Study propensity is the example of conduct received

by understudies in the quest for their examinations that fills in as the vehicle of learning.

2006) and Darling (2005), utilized GPA to gauge understudy execution because the

primary concentration in the understudy execution for the specific semester. Some other

researchers used test comes about or earlier year result since they are considering execution

for the specific subject or year (Hijazi and Naqvi, 2006 and Hake, 1998). Numerous

specialists have talked about the different factors that influence the understudy scholarly

execution in their exploration. There are two sorts of variables that influence the

understudies' scholastic execution. These are interior and external classroom factors and
these components emphatically influence the understudies' execution. Interior classroom

factors incorporates understudies fitness in English, class plans, class estimate, English

content books, class test comes about, learning offices, homework, condition of the class,

multifaceted nature of the course material, educators part in the class, innovation utilized as

a part of the class and exams systems. External classroom factors incorporate

extracurricular exercises, family issues, work and money related, social and different

issues. Research considers demonstrates that understudies' execution depends on many

factors, for example, learning offices, sex and age contrasts, and so forth that can affect

student execution (Hansen, Joe B., 2000). Harb and El-Shaarawi (2006) found that the most

important factor with beneficial outcome on understudies' execution is Parental


In his broadly referred to paper, Romer (1993) is one of the initial couple of creators

to investigate the connection between understudy participation and exam execution.

Various variables have contributed to declining class attendances around the globe over the

most recent 15 years. The real reasons given by students for non-participation incorporate

appraisal weights, poor conveyance of addresses, timing of lectures, and work duties

(Newman-Ford, Lloyd and Thomas, 2009). In late times, students have discovered a need

to look for work while considering on low maintenance premise due to financial

limitations. The quantities of low maintenance and develop understudies has likewise risen

pointedly. The use of data innovation additionally implies that data that used to be gotten

from sitting through addresses can be acquired at the snap of a mouse. Undoubtedly,

electronic learning approaches have turn into the request of the day. Given every one of

these advancements that either makes it impossible or superfluous for understudies to go to

classes, the inquiry that should be asked is whether non-attendance influences understudies'

scholastic execution. Research regarding this matter appears to give an agreement that

understudies who miss classes perform ineffectively contrasted with the individuals who go

to classes (Devadoss & Foltz, 1996; Durden & Ellis, 1995; Romer, 1993; Park and Kerr,

1990; Schmidt, 1983). In view of these discoveries various partners have called for

required class attendance. Despite the fact that the current confirmation focuses to a solid

relationship between participation and academic execution, none of the examinations

referred to above show a causal impact. The inability of these cross-sectional investigations

to confine participation from a horde of bewildering student characteristics (e.g. levels of

inspiration, insight, earlier learning, and time-management skills) is a noteworthy

constraining variable to the utility of these discoveries (Rodgers and Rodgers,

2003).Durden and Ellis, (1995) controlled for understudy contrasts in foundation, capacity

and inspiration, and revealed a nonlinear impact of participation on realizing, that is, a

couple of nonappearances do not prompt horrible scores however over the top non-

appearance does. Educational administrations are frequently not substantial and are hard to

quantify on the grounds that they result as change of information, fundamental abilities and

conduct alterations of learners (Tsinidou, Gerogiannis, and Fitsilis, 2010). So there is no

generally concurred upon definition of value that is connected to training field. The

meaning of nature of education varies from culture to culture (Michael, 1998). The earth

and the individual characteristics of students assume an imperative part in their scholastic

achievement. The school faculty, individuals’ of the families and groups give assistance

and support to understudies for the nature of their academic execution. This social help has

a critical part for the achievement of execution objectives of understudies at school

(Goddard, 2003). Other than the social structure, parents ‘involvement in their kid's

instruction builds the rate of scholarly accomplishment of their youngster (Furstenberg and

Hughes, 1995).

The “Study Habits Inventory”, developed by Palsane and Sadhara Sharma (1989)

was used to spread awareness to the teachers, students and parents that certain habits of

study are good and helpful for better achievement. “Study Habits Inventory” is an

instrument designed to measure study habits which include budgeting time, physical

conditions for study, reading ability, note taking, factors in learning motivation, memory,

taking examinations which includes preparation for examinations and use of

examination results and health. It has forty five items. The PSSHI is a three point

scale with responses always or mostly, sometimes and rarely or never. The scale

consists of eleven negative and thirty four positive items. Each item carries weights of

2, 1 and 0 respectively. And the score is reversed for negative items. The study habits are

measured on the basis of total scores obtained by the subjects.


Statement of the Problem

The target of this research is to compare the study habits and academic performance

of selected grade 12 senior high students namely the science, technology, engineering and

mathematics (STEM) students. Specifically, this will answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of description of the study habits of top 20 and bottom 20

grade 12 STEM students in terms of:

a. Review time

b. Place of Review

c. Technique in Studying

2. What is the academic performance of the top 20 and bottom 20 grade 12 STEM

students in terms of their grade?

3. Is there a significant difference between the study habits and the academic

performance of the top 20 and bottom 20 grade 12 STEM students?

4. Based on the findings, what recommendation can be made?

Statement of the Hypothesis

The study habits and academic performance of the top 20 and bottom 20 grade 12

STEM students have no significant difference.

Significance of the Study

The essence of this study is to determine the compare the study habits and academic

performance of grade 12 STEM students and to benefit the following:

Grade 12 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

Through this study, STEM students can gain awareness and better understanding about the

importance and the relationship between study habit and academic performance. In the

same way, it gives them a more focused and precise perspective on how specific behaviors

related to their studies influenced study habits.

Students. Through this study, a student will gain insights about the effect of a good

study habit to the academic performance. They will gain knowledge that good study habits

have a good effect on the academic performance of the students.

Other Researchers. Knowing the percentage of the students who has a good study

habit and academic performance, other researchers can compose a study on the factors that

could affect the study habits of a student or the factors that affect the academic

performance of the students. This study may also serve as a resource material for others

who wish to carry out research in related field. Researchers can also enhance this study to

better contribute to the body of knowledge.

School. Having knowledge about the importance of study habits to the academic

performance of the student, the can conduct seminars to encourage to students to have a

good study habits in order to have a good academic performance.



Research Design

This study is a quantitative research. Quantitative research methods use designs

which maximize objectivity by using numbers, statistics and experimental control.

Quantitative approaches in the study were used because the detailed information

from the representative sample was required and generalizing of results and

comparison across population was desired.

Based on its quantitative approach, this research adopted a descriptive comparative

survey design. Specific group is selected to answer a questionnaire with honesty at their

own comfort. Since this study deals with the analysis of study habit and the academic

performance of students, the researchers use the grades and the “The Study Habits

Inventory” answers of the respondents as the basis in this academic performance and study

habits respectively. The researchers then compare the study habits and academic

performance of the top 20 and bottom 20 grade 12 STEM students. This research study

wants to prove the significant and non-significant difference of study habits to selected

grade 12 students specifically the STEM students.

Input Process Output

 Action
 Study Habits  Descriptive comparative
questionnaire research design
scores  Data Gathering
 Average  Data Interpretation
grade  T-test treatment of data
 Analysis and Conclusion

Research Environment

The research will be held at the University of Cebu-Maritime Education and

Training Center (UC-METC). This campus in Alumnos, Mambaling, and Cebu City is one

of the four campuses of the University of Cebu. While other campuses such as; UC-

Banilad, UC-LM, and UC-Main house varied courses, the UC-METC has only maritime

courses as Bachelor of Science in Marine Transportation (BSMT).

Living with its mission to produce world-class seafarers, the University, as one of

the leading seafaring institution has been accredited internationally by DNV (Det Norske

Veritas), NMD (Norwegian Maritime Directorate for Training Center). For years, the UC-

METC has been producing graduates who mostly work as seafarers on board vessels. With

these standards and recognition, the school is expected to have students with good study

habits and good academic performance.

Research Respondents

The researchers used purposive sampling in choosing the respondents. The

researchers picked the top 20 and bottom 20 students of grade 12 STEM students based on

their average grade in grade 11.

Research Instrument

The researchers used the “Study Habits Inventory” developed and standardized by

Palsane and M.N. Sadhana Sharma. The inventory generally consists of three areas which

relates to the review time, place of review and techniques of studying of the respondents.

The inventory consists of 45 items with each item consisting three responses –
‘always or mostly’, ‘sometimes’ and ‘rarely or never’ with scores 2, 1 and 0 respectively.

For negative items the scoring is reversed. The maximum obtainable score is 90. Higher

score indicates good study habits. As basis for the academic performance, the researchers

used the grade 11 average grade of the respondents. The questionnaire also asked for the

age and gender of the respondents for profiling purposes.

Research Procedure

The researchers will secure the list of top 20 and bottom 20 grade 12 STEM

students who are enrolling during the first semester of S.Y 2017-2018 based on their grade

11 average grade. The researchers asked the respondents to answer the questionnaire

honestly. The researchers tabulated and tallied the result for the analysis of data. The

researchers are going to compare the study habits and academic performance of the top and

bottom 20 grade 12 STEM students.


Academic Performance - refers to the efficiency of the grade 12 STEM students by

looking at their grade 11 average grade.

Grade 12 Senior High School Selected Students - refers to all the grade 12 STEM

students in the first semester of school year 2017-2018.

Study Habits - refers to the act of gaining information in a regular basis of the grade 12

STEM students.


In relation to the purpose of conducting this study, the analysis of the data produces

some significant findings comparing the study habits and academic performance of grade

12 STEM students. The study shows the following findings:


Table 1. Showing the percentage of respondents falling on each level of study habits

Study Habits Levels Top 20 Grade 12 Bottom 20 Grade 12 STEM

STEM students students

80-90 (Excellent) - -

69-79 (Very Good) - -

58-68 (Good) 1 (5%) -

47-57 (Satisfactory) 13 (65%) 10 (50%)

36-46 (Unsatisfactory) 5 (25%) 8 (40%)

25-35 (Very Unsatisfactory) 1 (5%) 2 (10%)

Total N=20 N=20

A perusal of the above table reveals that out of top 20 grade 12 STEM students, 5%

have good study habits, 65% have satisfactory study habits, 25% have unsatisfactory study

habits and %% have very unsatisfactory study habits. While in the bottom 20 grade 12

STEM students, 50 % have satisfactory study habits, 40% have unsatisfactory study habits

and 10% have very unsatisfactory study habits. This reveals that the top 20 grade 12 STEM

students have better study habits than the bottom 20 grade 12 STEM students.

Table 2. Showing the significance of difference in the mean scores of top 20 and bottom 20

Grade 12 STEM students on study habits

Group N Mean S.D. t- Level of

valu significance
Top 20 Grade 12 20 49.95 7.25 0.111 Significant
at 0.05 level
STEM students

Bottom 20 Grade 12 20 46.2 7.79

STEM students

A perusal of the above table shows the significance of difference between top 20

and bottom 20 grade 12 STEM students on study habits. The table reveals that the top 20

and bottom 20 grade 12 STEM students differ significantly in their study habits. The mean

difference favored the top 20 grade 12 STEM students and the difference is significant at

0.05 level.

Table 3. Showing the percentage of respondents falling on each level of academic


Academic Performance Top 20 Grade 12 Bottom 20 Grade 12 STEM

Levels STEM students students

95-99 (Excellent) 5 (25%) -

90-94 (Approaching 14 (70%) -


85-89 (Proficient) 1 (5%) 15 (75%)

80-84 (Approaching - 5 (25%)


Total N=20 N=20

The perusal of above table shows the comparison on top 20 and bottom 20 grade 12

STEM students. Among the top 20 grade 12 STEM students, 25% have excellent academic

performance, 70% have approaching excellent performance and 5% have proficient

performance. While on the bottom 20 STEM students, 75% have proficient academic

performance and 25% have approaching proficient performance. This reveals that the

bottom 20 grade 12 STEM students have very low academic performance compared to the

top 20 grade 12 STEM students.

Table 4. Showing the significance of difference in the mean scores of top 20 and bottom 20

Grade 12 STEM students on academic performance

Group N Mean S.D. t- Level of

valu significance
Top 20 Grade 12 20 92.35 2.033 2.26 Significant
at 0.05 level
STEM students

Bottom 20 Grade 12 20 84.4 1.314

STEM students
A perusal of table 4 shows the significance of difference between the top 20 and

bottom 20 grade 12 STEM students on academic performance. The table reveals that the

top 20 and bottom 20 grade 12 STEM students differ significantly on academic

performance. The mean difference favored the top 20 grade 12 STEM students and the

difference is significant at 0.05 level.




On the basis of analysis and interpretation, the following conclusions have been

drawn from the present study:

 It has been found that the majority of the bottom 20 grade 12 STEM students (50%)

are very low in their levels of study habits as compared to the top 20 grade 12

STEM students. But, some of the top 20 grade 12 STEM students (30%) also

possess low level of study habits. Regardless of that, 70% of the top 20 grade 12

STEM students have satisfactory and above level of study habits compared to only

50% of the bottom 20 grade 12 STEM students.

 It has also been found that all top 20 grade 12 STEM students have proficient and

above academic performance. In fact, 25% of it have excellent academic

performance and most of them (70%) have approaching excellence performance.

On the other hand, 75% of the bottom 20 grade 12 STEM students have proficient

academic performance and the rest have below proficient performance which is

quite bad compared to the academic performance of the top 20 grade 12 STEM


 It has been found that there is significant mean difference between the top 20 and

bottom 20 grade 12 STEM students based on their study habits and the difference is
significant at 0.05 level. The top 20 grade 12 STEM students showed better study

habits than the bottom 20 students.

 It was also found that the top 20 and bottom 20 grade 12 STEM students differ

significantly on their academic performance and the difference is significant at .01

level. The bottom 20 grade 12 STEM students are way more below in their

academic performance grade as compared to the top 20 grade 12 STEM students.

 Study habits and academic performance have a positive relationship based on the

findings. If a student has good study habits then he/she would have a good

academic performance then.


No research effort can be said to be worthwhile if it does not emanate some of the

important educational implications. It is anticipated that some of findings of the present

study may help to show the comparison of the top 20 and bottom 20 students in terms of

their study habits and academic performance as they are a wakeup call to students, teachers,

school managers and parents among many education stake holders. The present study

findings on study habits correlates with previous research that found that students who

invest more in school do better‟ (Battle and Lewis, 2002) and that those who exude more

effort also perform better (Carbonaro, 2005 cited by Barry, 2006). Therefore, the teachers

and parents should identify good study habits and find ways and means of enhancing them

among students. The present study proposes the integration of all subjects covering good

study habits related to the subjects. This will act as a stronger foundation for purposeful



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Retrieved on August 4, 2017 from

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Palsane & Sharma (1990). Palsane & Sharma study Habit Inventory (PSSHI). Accessed

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Venturina, G. (2014). Factors Affecting Study Habits of Students. Retrieved on August 25,

2017 from




Research Instrument

Age: Gender:

I. Following are the examples of your study habits. We wish to know your study
habits so that we may know if your study habits have significant relationship to
your academic performance. Please choose your answer honestly. Your
cooperation, therefore, is absolutely needed.
(Always or (Some- (Rarely or
Mostly) times) Never)
(A) (B) (C)

1. I study every day.

2. I study at a particular time of the day.
3. I do my home work daily.
4. If I have to study for a longer time, I take rest in
5. I have all the required books and other relevant
6. materials of study with me.
7. I develop automatic interest in the subject as soon
I start studying it.
8. I realize the importance of the subjects for my future
9. Other stray thoughts gradually flow in, as soon as I
settle down for the study.
10. I read the main points before I read the chapter.
11. I take down notes while reading.
12. I try to recall the matter after reading it.
13. I continue my reading despite the difficulties in
understanding meaning of some of the words.
14. I read very carefully in order to understand every point.
15. I never read silently.

16. According to the importance and difficulty of the

subject matter, I change and adjust speed of my reading.
17. I study figures and graphs very carefully while reading.
18. During the class room teaching, I take down notes very
19. At home, I compare my class notes with the notes from
the text books.
20. I take help of anybody, if I do not follow any thing.
21. I study the subject matter at home thoroughly before
it is taught in the class room.
22. I read books whenever, I get free time whether at
home or in the school/College.
23. I attend my classes regularly in time.
24. I frequently remain absent from class.
25. If a matter is to be learnt by heart, I read and memorize
it part by part.
26. I cram certain things without understanding.
27. I revise the subject matter from time to time.
28. I study in the library regularly.
29. During examination days also, I sleep as usual in the
30. Before writing the answers to the questions in the
examination. I read very carefully the entire question
31. In the examination, I answer the question in their serial
32. I divide the time according to the matter to be
answered in respect of the number of questions.
33. Before examination, I read my own notes carefully.
34. I prepare for the examinations from the guides/- notes
available in the market.

35. I draw an outline of answers of each question, before

writing answers to the questions in the examination.
36. I feel tense at the beginning of the examination.
37. After the examination, I realize that I have made some
mistakes in the answers I have written or I have
forgotten some important points.
38. I carefully record my examination results.
39. I single out my weak subjects on the strength of my
examination results.
40. I try to make up my deficiency in the weak subjects to
my best.
41. I get disappointed, if the examination result is not
42. I have a tendency to compare my marks with others
after the results are declared.
43. I think that I can improve fairly my study habits.
44. I get guidance about proper study habit from my
45. I will take advantage if a guidance programme in
study habits is arranged.


Grade 11 Average Grade:



Location Map



Address: Litmon, Poblacion, Talisay City, Cebu

Age: 17

Birthday: March 10, 2000

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Height: 150 cm.

Weight: 50 kg.


Mobile: 09331955913

Objectives: To become a chemical engineer for I believed that my essence of

living is to help enhance the lives of humans by producing useful and

meaningful products that could help restore and prolong the the

lifespan of man.

Educational Attainment:

Secondary Talisay City Science High School 27

Poblacion, Talisay City, Cebu

June 2012 – March 2016

Primary Tabunok Central School

Tabunok, Talisay City, Cebu

June 2006 – March 2012



Address: Belmont Village, Minglanilla, Cebu

Age: 18

Birthday: October 13, 1998

Gender: Male

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Height: 154 cm.

Weight: 52 kg.


Mobile: 09331926227

Objectives: To become an engineer

Educational Attainment:

Secondary Three H Redwood Academy

Pakigne, Minlanilla, Cebu

June 2012 – March 2016 29

Primary Leaton School

Minglanilla, Cebu

June 2006 – March 2012



Address: Bulak, Dumanjug, Cebu

Age: 17

Birthday: December 23, 1999

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Height: 146 cm.

Weight: 49 kg.


Mobile: 09430690455

Objectives: To become a successful teacher that influences a lot of student. No

matter what position someone may hold, they will still look back to

the one who guide their way to reach where they are right now.

Educational Attainment:

Secondary Talisay City Science High School

Poblacion, Talisay City, Cebu 31

June 2012 – March 2016

Primary Tabunok Central School

Tabunok, Talisay City, Cebu

June 2006 – March 2012



Address: Mambaling, Cebu City

Age: 17

Birthday: February 21, 2000

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Height: 152 cm.

Weight: 64 kg.


Mobile: 09462211105

Objectives: To obtain an Accounting position and work hard in a company that

provides challenging environment which encourages me to succeed

and grow professionally.

Educational Attainment:

Secondary Atty. Roque A. Marcos Memorial School

La Paz, Leyte

June 2012 – March 2016 33

Primary La Paz Central School

La Paz, Leyte

June 2006– March 2012



Address: Colveta II, Tabada St., Mambaling, Cebu City

Age: 17

Birthday: July 04, 1999

Gender: Female

Civil Status: Single

Religion: Roman Catholic

Height: 151 cm

Weight: 45 kg.


Mobile: 09330079790

Objectives: To become a successful Computer Engineer and to gain a secure

position in the world of technology as part of an enthusiastic and

hard-working team of skilled individuals, that allows me to improve

and develop my career over time.

Educational Attainment:

Secondary Don Vicente Rama Memorial National High School

Macopa St. Basak-Pardo, Cebu City


June 2012 – March 2016

Primary Mambaling Elementary School

Mambaling, Cebu City

June 2006– March 2012

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