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Roy Jerald Bancolita BSIT 1-1

Learning Activity 1
1.Web/mobile App Ideation.
My idea in creating Web/mobile application. Is an app that will easily transfer money thought the internet like
texting a message all over the world and all currency is involve even cryptocurrency is also. This platform will
allow people to send or exchange their money in every part of the world with faster transaction. And Can
accommodate millions of transactions in every minute and comes with very low fees. And I will call it
2.Prepare a concept paper regarding the proposed Web/mobile App.
Title: International Currency Exchange: CASH.BR

Internet is all over the world, and almost all people are using it. It comes to financial we are struggling to
transact to it. Normal transaction will take long time to processed some take 1-3 days in international and has an
expensive fee this app that will easily transfer money thought the internet like texting a message all over the
world and all currency is involve even cryptocurrency is also. This platform will allow people to send or
exchange their money in every part of the world with faster transaction. And Can accommodate millions of
transactions in every minute and comes with very low fees.
Purpose: The main purpose of this web/app is to make an international currency Exchange in Blockchain
system. It will help people to make their money transfer and exchange in safe and easy transaction.
This platform provides low fee and faster transaction for clients. It is reliable because of the use of blockchain
system and it is human friendly it is not difficult of use and understand. Goal of this project is to fixed the
problems in normal transaction in banking. like long time transactions and strictly on documents.

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