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The Flu

Drink plenty of fluids. Water as good soup as are great choices. But avoid
caffeinated beverages, which won't hydrate you as well. Get plenty of sleep,
rest and take it easy. This is a great time for you to catch up on your TV
watching and enjoy your favorite videos without your mom or dad asking you
to help with the housework. Take acetaminophen which is better than
ibuprofen for fever and pain relief. Over the counter cold or cough medicines
can also relieve some flu symptoms. Do not take aspirin or aspirin containing
products unless your doctor gives you the OK. Aspirin can increase the risk of
teens developing Reye's syndrome, a serious illness that sometimes follows
flu virus infections. I will take paracetamol for when I get the flu again, and it
really helped me get completely better from the flu.

These are my recommendations for you to get better

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