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Holly Tsepelis Tsepelis2004@gmail.

97 West Warren Rd, Custer City, PA, 16725

Objective To secure a job in cleaning.

Skills & Abilities Can follow directions successfully, built a shelf and step stool, care for 2
children under the age of 8, clean house including living areas, bedrooms,
bathroom, kitchen, laundry,

Education Bradford High– 81 Interstate Park Way

Expected June 2023

Experience House Maid, Dates from August 2020-Now

▪ Cleaned 1200 sq ft house in under an hour

▪ Five loads of twenty-five-pound laundry in under an hour and a half

Activities Dance –13 years, Teacher for three dance classes

Competitive dance- 5 years

Awards 1st place at nationals for dance- July 2019

Honor roll- 7th-- 9th grade
Made nationals four different years

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