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So now that I know that you’re following my instructions here’s my question to you: I want you to

explain to me WHY those feelings are still there when it comes to the logo. Is it because they’re still
fresh and you need time to process and get over them? Is it because you just don’t know how to let
them go? Or is it because you don’t want to let them go, you want to have that memory of your
relationship? If that last one is the case then I’d much rather that you tell me that so I can let it go
rather than wait around not knowing if I can or can’t buy things with that design. I’ll let it go if that’s the
case and you’d rather keep that relegated to him. That brings up another question though, are there
things from other ex’s that I need to avoid? If so tell me what they are so I can let those go too if I have
them in mind. I want you to only be focused on me and think only of me when I give or wear or own
things, so that’s need to know information.

If you’re wondering why that one thing in particular is important and why I keep pushing it is because of
how I grew up. Chapel Hill can be a nasty place to kids who aren’t wealthy, conventionally beautiful, and
not a mini frat or sorority pledge. So I had to watch what I wore and said and brought around school
because of trying to avoid being singled out and bullied for being who I am. Well now that I’m older and
straight don’t give a fuck what others think about me or what I wear that was one of the things that was
on my checklist because I’m wanting to get in touch with the more rural and country boy that I am at
heart. So it was disappointing to be told that I basically can’t come within ten feet of it without
reminding you of an ex. I know that you didn’t outright ban me from doing anything with it but
something that you’ll learn if you haven’t already is if you even hint at something that you’d prefer that I
do is treated by me as law basically and I follow it to the letter. It would be like saying I don’t want you
to wear leggings because one of my ex’s wore it and I still got some feelings whenever I saw my
girlfriend in them.

Look all I want to know is which way it is, are you wanting to try to dissociate it with him and it’s jhst
that you’ve not really started yet or is it that you want that to only be his thing.

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