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After Staging we expect a loading Task

1) Maintain External step of loading in POSC

2) Create Dore Storage type
3) Create storage Bin For the Dore
4) In Process Oriented Storage control File Enter The WhNo, External Step ,Wh.Pro.type,
DestStor.Type ,Dest.Stor.Bin
5) System Should recognize the source now for loading which is after Staging go to GI Staging Area
Storage type ,you will See External Step[ ] Field (Give the Staging Step-External ) Here source
is been identified
6) Now go to @ Define Creation rule for warehouse orders , Create new (Copy from standard) and
maintain Storage Process
7) Go to Warehouse Process Type you will see WO Rule[ ](enter the new one which is created )

8) Make sure that bin sorting is done After the initial setup of outbound POSC
9) We go to Warehouse Monitor [T-code :- /n/scwm/mon]

10) We do Packing operations after this (Time 13:44)

For the Same product when there is a process changing from time to
time we assign it in activity area level
Process Change: - Ex 1) Pick + Pack 2) Pick + Pack + Stage 3) Pick + Pack +Stage + Load Etc …..

There is Storage process [ ] assigned to each Process above

1) We do that in activity area level instead of assigning WO rule in WPT.

-Warehouse order >>>>>------ @Define Search Sequence of creation rules for Activity Area
( In the bellow screen you can see activity area is blank in IB (EWM ).

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… I )
in WPT remove “Wo Rule[ ]”

And in WOCR rule activity area [ ] Keep Blank which is source

 Source
 1 Destination
As we are working with picking so we have kept WOCR Activity area blank ie..

Blank - Source

1 - Destination

Test Case
1) VL01N ( ECC) Create Outbound Deliver order
2) Come to Outbound delivery request (EWM)
3) Click On Outbound deliver Order and go to follow-on function WH-Task (Ctrl+F1)
4) WH-Task will be created (Create + Save)
5) WH-Order Will be created
6) We see activity area is triggered now
You will see HWC1 is triggered because of the sequence maintained in

-Warehouse order >>>>>------ @Define Search Sequence of creation rules for Activity Area

Now change the WOCR sequence you will see the first one in Sequence No.

How do we apply the relevant WH-order creation rule according to the product or its properties?

Ex :- Weight Criteria is a filter

where do we maintain it ?

Come to define creation rules

Here we have assigned the relevant 3 in the system, how the system can identify the
relevant one

Video :- 29

Normally 2 are there consolidation group and pick path

There are around 40 entries in Sort Rule
We have assigned warehouse order creation rule for warehouse number
 Here we see we have assigned 3 but the how the system will identify the relevant one
 If we don’t maintain anything the system will come here and pick the first one in the
 We go to @Define Filter for warehouse order warehouse order creation rule
Filter type [ Warehouse task ]

 Warehouse task
 Physical inventory

If we want to apply it at item level or subtotal level, in item level system will perform at item level but in
subtotal level system performs at activity area level in consolidation

If you want to move it for stock removal we can use it for the above selection

We keep minimum weight and maximum weight as bellow because it is item filter
Like the above create different filter with different weight limits

In the above pic we have maintained subtotal filter and we have not given Maximum Weight

Now come to Warehouse order creation rules

Go to details of each one and fill the filter blank with the filters you have created above
As we have see one subtotal filter is maintained so we will maintain subtotal filer as bellow
Test Case
Come to ECC

VL01N—outbond delivery with different weight (ECC)

Go to Outbound Delivery Request (EWM)--- Click on Outbound Delivery Order ---Follow-on

function –warehouse task ---Create +save ---the product is going to its respective bin according
to the sort rule

This is happening because we put item filters

In the above example there are 4 line items with different weights and we have maintained 3
WOCR rules with sorting, on the basis of weights in item level filter and subtotal level filter so
the question is how much warehouse order will be created?

First it will the filter for item level then it will go for subtotal level

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