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Social Media Sites Are looking for-

User generated Content

Like Insta shares previous posts or stories as memories - so that we share and create more
- Reels suggestions , different other suggestions
- Filters released like diwali ones etc. for us to create more content
- Hashtags

News feed algorithm for SMP- SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS

- How you see what on your news feed, order of posts etc.
- Based on likes, interaction rate, sharing tagging etc
- 1st- Interaction level
- 2nd para- What we are sharing- images, videos or texts
- 3rd parameter- edge rank algorithm of facebook- awd- affinity, interactions etc, how old
is your data
- This algo is not applicable now on FB and Insta
- What kind of info is being shared by that person, the nature of the interaction etc, is also
being looked onto now - that is also analysed now
- Volume and velocity of any tweet or posts on atopic helps it make a trend - kitne time
main kitna generate hue hua ispe content.- helps it become VIRAL
Here Email marketing is most important: since max users have some or other email app on their
phone and constantly check it too. For one to one marketing, Converting potential customers to
a customer.

Database: Categorize and put them in segments- for ad or email

Email Bouncing Back- Soft Bounce and Hard Bounce-
Soft: Goes to spam due to some reason - do email analytics to check that- add more links and
clickable objects to ease analysis.
Hard b: When you send email to incorrect email- Check and correct database- clean database
( to correct typo etc)
Through Email- Promotion, feedback, info, Market research, newsletter, blogs,
Google analytics, adwords etc- put on Linkedin

Micro-Conversion and Macro Conv

Micro- app install, login to sites- asked at first-

Email: Subject, title-to,

structure- to the point and aligned with the objective of the email, shld have max text and min
images, video and attachments

Email- from Insta and aim that at least 10 out of the sender list start following the page.

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