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A Project on

Dental Care Website

Guided by:
Er. Satyabrat Sahoo HOD, VSBM (BCA department)
In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor in Technology
Bachelor of Computer Applications

Affiliated by

Submitted by:
Nilam Sahu(3318BCA018) & Pragyan Maharana(3318BCA018)
BCA 3rd Year
I hereby declare that the project work entitled

“Dental Care Website”

Submitted to the VSBM, Bargarh is a record of an original work done by me under

The guidance of

Er. Satyabrata sahoo

Dept. of BCA ,VSBM, and the project is submitted the practical fulfillment the requirement for
the mark of year of BCA 3rd examination the results embodies in this these have not been submitted to any other university or
institution for the award of any degree.

Submitted by:-
Nilam Sahu(3318BCA018)

Pragyan Maharana(3318BCA018)

I would like to place my record on my deep sense of gratitude to Er. Satyabrat Sahoo Dept, of BCA, VSBM, VIKASH
KNOWLAGDE HUB, Bargarh for his generous guidance, help and useful suggestion.

I extremely thankful to Mr. Kshirod Kumar Pradhan , Principal, VSBM,

VSBM, VIKASH KNOWLAGDE HUB, Bargarh for providing me infrastructural facility to work in, without this work would not possible.

Project Guided by:

Er. Satyabrat Sahoo
(BCA department) External: ___________

This is to certify that this report of “Dental Care Website” embodies the original done by

Nilam Sahu & Pragyan Maharana

during this project submission as a partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Dental Care Website project
of bachelor of computer application BCA 3rd year

Vikash school of Business Management,


Submitted By:-

Nilam Sahu(3318BCA018)

Pragyan Maharana(3318BCA018)

Dental care is the maintenance of healthy teeth and may refer to: Oral hygiene, the practice of keeping
the mouth and teeth clean in order to prevent dental disorders. Dentistry, the professional care of teeth,
including professional oral hygiene and dental surgery.
In this era of digitization, not a single industry has remained untouched by it. Healthcare and in that,
specifically dental care industry is one of them. The advancement in technology has brought almost all
the dentists and orthodontists ‘all time available’ for their patients. Nowadays, online dental services
have become as easy as online shopping and socializing and that’s not all, today we all have smartphones
with amazing camera technology and features like ‘Image Annotation’, through that we can even have an
online dental check up! Now you don’t need to actually go and see your dentist. You can simply send
them your concerns online and they can advise you the suitable cure for that in minutes.


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<h2>We Care About Your teeth</h2>
<p>There are several things you can do to help avoid cavities and maintain a healthy smile:Enroll in the Delta Dental program
offered by your employer. Make an appointment to see your dentist. You should visit your dentist at least once a year for a cleaning and an exam.Develop a good oral health routine - including daily brushing and
Make sure you are getting enough fluoride, either naturally or through supplements. This is especially important if you do not live in a fluoridated community or if you drink bottled water.Watch your diet. Avoid
frequent snacking or foods high in sugar. Sugar, when combined with the plaque in your mouth, produces the acid that destroys your teeth.Start taking care of your teeth now. The benefits will last a lifetime.
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<i class="flaticon-002-toothbrush-1"></i><h2>14K</h2><p>Tooth Brushes</p></div>
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<h6>Shivani Sahu</h6>
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<h6>Chiranjeet Pattnaik</h6>
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<p>Phasellus vehicula tempus orci vel consequat. Nullam lorem sem, viverra a rutrum sed, gravida mattis magna.
Suspendisse vitae commodo quam. Quisque a enim et ante vulputate finibus nec laoreet ipsum.</p>
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<h6>Sourav Pradhan</h6>
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