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CIRCUIT SWITCHING here no division in packets

takes place, it is continuous. it is good for telephonic

communication but not for other services like the messaging
etc because it reserves resources for 1 process and hence
very inefficient, it setup the connection before hand and
keeps it reserved for the whole time of the communication.
TOTAL TIME = setup time + TT + PD + tear down time
TT = transmission time = (message)/Band width
PD = propagation delay = (distance)/speed
Tear down time = time taken to break off the setup
Circuit switching works on the Physical layer

PACKET SWITCHING, in here division in packets takes

place. It has 2 forms,
Datagram- work on Network layer
Virtual circuits – work on Data link layer
We use pipelining here, so the efficiency can be increased.
N = no of switches used like s1,s2 etc

Now the 2 types of Packet Switching

Message switching came before the packet switching ,
packet switching is a type of modification from the message
switching , in message switching we take 1 big message and
break it maybe , but it is sent from one switch to another
together only , i.e each stop stores the smaller messages
until the whole message arrives and then only sends it
forward, whereas in case of packet switching , we devide big
message into packets and then can achieve PARRALELISM
as all the packets can be transported simultaneously from
different paths .

Bandwidth is the capability , whereas the throughput

tells the reality of actually how much is being

1. Transmission delay

2. Propagation delay

3. Queuing delay

4. Processing delay
In this question here ignore the round trip words, take it
normally as delay time is 1000ms
We convert everything into normal seconds, kb means
kilobits, i.e., X by 1000, then divide by 8 to make it into
bytes, then 64,000 bytes to convert to Kb, we divide by 1024,
to make it kilo Bytes.

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