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Diplomatic Crises: On matter of Kashmir

Blacked Day lashed upon the innocent people of Kashmir, a paradise

semblance Himalayan region diverse in history and resources, on 05 august by
tyrannical regime of India throwing back the special autonomous status of
Kashmir, which was granted in 1956, and created two union territories. The
heinous move is much-calculated and well-oriented by the robust and muscular
ideology of RSS-BJP. Tens of thousands of troops of Indian army deputed to
counter and suppress the protest against the revocation of special status.

Reportedly, Kashmiri youngsters being tortured and beaten severely to cause

fear among people. Eventually, the whole region is under curfew since this
arrogant move.

Communication is stagnant, food storage is going to be end and internet
facility is also cut off on the pretext of prophecy of imminent attack from

jihadist organization under the cover of bad intention to humiliate innocent
Kashmiri Muslims. Ostensibly, human right violation is being organized by
troops against the freedom movement the right being established though UNO
resolution, on the false name of counter-terrorism operation. In the paradise-like

region, unfortunately, schools are closed, shortage of medicine is dancing,

forced disappearance is being observed, unmarked graves are mounted and most

painful is that women are set to be raped only to harass the denizens of region.

At the moment of that grave picture of region, the Pakistan’s diplomacy is


facing great crises. Issues are created by mad people and solved by the people

who are man of actions and have qualities of leadership. No doubt, after 50
years UN convened special meeting for Kashmir to deliberate the current
scenario of latter but it is nothing more than the formal copy work. The World’s

leader statements are urging just to normalize or pacify the aggressive behaviors

of both countries to avoid any misadventure. Our leaders’ statements are also

just apprising the international community about the immanency of any uprisal
or misadventure between two nuclear-armed arch-rivals. Our leaders are
announcing the moral, political and diplomatic support to Kashmir’s, but there
is need to secure the support of International Community, especially of main
power blocks, for Kashmir people’s freedom struggle rather than for the
stability of peace in South Asia.

How is it possible to secure support of international community and main

power blocks for the freedom struggle of the Kashmir’s? Is it going to be
happen through making phone calls to world leaders, posting tweet regularly,
downgrading the trade, closing the aerospace, blocking trains, asking for nation
to show solidarity with Kashmir about half an hour on roads and making
televised address to nation and to Diaspora punctually? NOT, it is not going to
be achieving the support of international community but it shows only solidarity
with Kashmir, being showed by Pakistan since last seven decades.

NOW, it is time to go beyond the speculation of solidification and to show

the real efforts on diplomatic platform to acquire support of community for the
freedom struggle of persecuted people. Well-seasoned diplomacy is inevitable

for all the ways out from that grievous situation. The way out to the United

Nations, International Court of Justice, Human Right Organizations, bilateral
dialogues need effective and bold measures to convince and urge the world to

support shoulder to shoulder with Kashmir’s.

UN’s many resolutions need a space to be implemented but it is possible

when the world enfranchised the right of indigenous locality. Firstly, world
must be urged and convinced by understanding the interest of each country with
us as we have strategic position in South Asia. Despite of having strategic

location on the map, desperately, Pakistan brutally failed to apprise the world
about their interest with it, owing to that Pakistan is now feeling alone except
the support of China. Secondly, Pakistan ought to lobby at technical legal points

and at diplomatic forum to establish that case hearable at ICJ.


Albeit, revocation of articles is violation of Vienna Convention an also of

the International Law as prescribed in article 47/43.Use of Indian Constitution

Article 367 to revoke special status is also violation of Supreme Court orders.
Thirdly, Pakistan must go to Human Rights Organization to stop human right

violation and brutal persecution. Finally, Pakistan must engage with main world

power blocks to mediate between India and Pakistan to break the stubbornness

of India. Circle of seasoned and effective diplomacy should be drawn across the
KASHMIR to remove all hurdles and impediments before the execution of elite
institution’s ruling. It is a time of actions not of words. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

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