1 开题答辩计划表-双语

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表1 学号:


姓 名 专 业

导 师 研究方向


1. The basis for selecting the topic:
(1) Explain the background, theoretical and practical significance of the topic
(2) Summarize the research status of this topic at home and abroad

COVID-19 outbreak was first reported in Wuhan, china and has spread to more than 200 countries
becoming a major worldwide threat. The world Health Organization WHO declared COVID-19 as a
Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on 30 January 2020. It has infected more
than a million people globally leading to hundred-thousands of death. The artificial intelligence
researchers are focusing their expertise knowledge to develop mathematical models for analyzing this
epidemic situation using nationwide shared data. In such grave circumstances, it is very important to
predict Covid 19 cases, death and recoveries through predictive modelling. The relevant analysis will
provide pertinent information and help relevant countries to make decisions such at the end of the

COVID-19 belongs to the family of the SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, where it begins with the initial
level symptoms of the common cold to severe level of respiratory diseases causing difficulty in
breathing, tiredness, fever, and dry cough. It is the seventh member of the coronavirus family, together
with MERSnCoV and SARS-nCoV that can spread to humans, the incubation period of COVID-19 can
last for 2 weeks or longer. During the period of latent infection, the disease may still be infectious. The
virus can spread from person to person through respiratory droplets and close contact, the symptoms of
COVID-19 may or may not be visual in infected individual hence spread rate can be faster as individual
himself not aware of infection.

As the outbreak of the COVID-19 has become a worldwide pandemic, the real-time analyses of
epidemiological data are needed to prepare the society with better action plans against the disease.

Since the birth of novel COVID 19, the world is restlessly fighting with its cause. As of April 1, 2020,
based on the globally shared live data by the Johns Hopkins dashboard, worldwide there are 932,605
confirmed cases, out of which 193,177 are recovered and 46,809 lost their lives.

2. Research content and preliminary plan

3. Specific schedule (contents, methods, main measures, deadline for completion of each stage
of the thesis work, etc.)

4. Bibliography of main references


Completed By your professor

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年 月 日


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