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What is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be successful in the world today?

We can all agree on the fact that today’s world is rapidly becoming more and more
complex and less forgiving. Myriad of problems rain down upon all members of society.
Some fall under the pressure, and some rise up to the opportunity. These few have
mastered a set of skills to help them cope with the challenges. One of those skills is
interacting with others. I think that this would be one of the most valuable skills to learn in
order to be successful.

First of all, human interaction is extremely complex and cannot be learned overnight.
This is a skill you develop over the years through trial and error. Making friends and finding
soul-mates is a huge part of our lives, so being friendly and open-minded would guarantee
you a place in society. Being an active member and being a part of someone’s life, showing
interest in others makes you an instant success. Relating to others and being able to break
the ice when meeting with new people can get pretty rough. For example, being funny
helps a lot with this task. Connecting with strangers just by making a joke or a funny
statement is something we all try to do, but tend to fail. You have to “feel the room” as
comedians refer to making appropriate jokes for the appropriate crowd.

Secondly, every job requires some level of human interaction, you can’t possibly avoid
it. Communication is a bridge between people. People depend on one another in their
daily lives. We all hope we can become this super-human who has it all figured out and
can perform any kind of work without anyone’s help. This is just absurd, therefore people
are interdependent, not one man can say that he doesn’t need the help of others. Society
requires cooperation among people. This interaction links minds and is the first step of
successful cooperation among entrepreneurs. To expatiate, you could negotiate for a
lower price or talk yourself out of a demotion or into a good deal.

To put it briefly, communication and human interactions is the most important skill one
could master because it offers a lot of opportunities to become successful

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