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Should students get a limited acces to internet

How much time did you lose on internet?Nowadays in our technology

period almost all people use internet for their needs being something
common for them.
At the begining internet is causing diffrent harm to our bodies .Starting
form eye problems that are made by computer light.Also due to incorect
sitting position they also have back problems.All this isuess affects their
studies and lifestyle.In other words surfing on internet make’s them to
have a worse academic perfomance.
Anyway a big amount of people think that internet is not soo
dangerous as much as alchool or smoking becouse it does not affect so
visible our health and lifestyle.on the contrary I can say that a big
amount of children are brought to the reabilitation clinic as a result for
their addiction to internet.In adition some of them died from apps such
as Blue Whale or Momo.
However,internet is the biggest source of information in the
world.There they can find diffrent kind of informaton about
everything.All students use internet to find information about their
homework or other things that interest them.
On the whole internet give posibility to access easily information,but
causes a hard addiction that influence their lifestyle.

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