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ESL Topic - Religion

1. What is religion?
2. What are some religions in China?
3. Do you believe in God?
4. Can you describe one religion?
5. Is religion a type of superstition?
6. Is religion necessary in society?
7. Why do you believe in science?
8. Are science and religion compatible?
9. Can you prove that God doesn’t exist?
10. How can you explain paranormal phenomena such as fortune-telling,
ghosts and miracles?
11. Do you go to the temple?
12. Why do so many people go to temples?
13. Should religion be taught in schools?
14. Do people have souls?
15. Where does morality come from?
16. Are people naturally good or do they need a moral education?
17. Is morality a relative or an absolute concept?
18. Are people becoming more or less immoral?
19. Do you believe in destiny and fate?
20. What happens to a person after they die?
21. Are some religions better than others?
22. Are any of your family members religious?
23. Why is there terrorism and war because of religion?
24. What would the world be like without religion?
25. Do you think people will eventually stop believing in religion?
26. How did religion start?
27. Does China have religious freedom?

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