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Me in three objects

Watch the video, about a girl and the three objects that represent her. Also, write what each object
represents. Turn captions on (subtitles)

Objects What it represents to the girl’s life

1. Briefcase She thinks it represents her personality well, she thinks that is extremely
bubbly and extroverted, and because she loves life.
2. Au coffee Acting input, it is the theater, camp that she got to attend, so it´s represent
mugs the attend class of she
3. Bible It is the core of who is she try to base all things that she does on this, it is her
favorite object.

Me in in three objects

After that, find three images online about three objects that are significant to you and what they
represent to you. Paste those images here, make a description for each picture. Insert all that info in a
story map.

the guitar because it is

my beginning in music

the handpiece because it

Me means in me the effort

and understanding in
myself through the
journey that i have

the microphone because

on it I can express all my
Expressing Reasons and Results

A reason: a cause, explanation, or justification for an action or event

Example: Many people are studying online these days because of the Corona virus pandemic

A result: a consequence, effect, or outcome of something

Antonio got laid off last week. That is why he is looking for a job.
I heard you don’t have any food in your pantry, so I got you some groceries.

Elaborate 6 sentences. 3 expressing reason, and 3 expressing result.

Fernando must cancel the picnic because it´s raining a lot
People should pay their taxes until January 15th because there is a discount
People should be more aware of their protection when leaving because there is an increase in
infections due to the coronavirus
Gabriela missed the early bus, as a result she was too late for her English class.

The result of his trial, therefore, could hardly have been other than a foregone conclusion.

If he locked the door, then the dog trapped inside

Real life stories

Go to the following link:
Read the stories of what those pictures represent. Identify two stories that drew your
attention, explain why they did. Connect those two stories with your real-life experiences
(either your own or someone close to you)
1. First story that drew my attention is losing because it talks about the injustices of life,
about the people who have more dinner than others, and how the society can put money
first before people´s feelings and merits. This history connects with someone close to
me, because one day my sister loses something important, only because other person has
more dinner than she.
2. Second history that drew my attention is Malawian Boy Running After 4×4, in this
picture I can see a boy running and smiling, and he doesn’t need a lot, I can see the truly
happiness in his face. This history connect to me, when I can feel the happiness with
small things, because to be happy we don’t need many things, we only need to have the
people that we love near.

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