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Aprendizaje 1: Identifica las relaciones de comparación, a

partir de características de personas, objetos y lugares, para
diferenciar sus cualidades, en textos orales y escritos.

This is Eric, he is describing his family. Read carefully

My Family
Hi, my name is Eric. I am 10 years old. I’m 120 centimeters tall and I weight
45 kilos. I have short straight hair and big black eyes. I want to talk about my
family. I have two sisters. Their names are Rachel and Carrie. Rachel is 18
years old, she is 180 centimeters tall and she weights 70kilos. She has long
straight hair. Carrie is 15 years old, she is short, she is 136 centimeters tall,
however, she is overweight, and she weighs 80 kilos. Carrie is the only
person in my family with long and curly hair. She has the most beautiful hair.
My sisters are very nice.
My mother's name is Julia. She is 40 years old. My mother is short (145
centimeters) and slim (50 kilos).She has short brown hair. My mother is also
very nice. My father's name is Richard. He is an engineer. He is smart, and he
is 45 years old. He is tall (178 centimeters) and a little overweight (100 kilos).
My grandparents live with us. My grandfather’s name is Tom. He is 70 years
old. He is 180 centimeters tall and he weights 70 kilos. My grandmother’s
name is Samantha. She is 65 years old. She has blue eyes. She is a tall (175
centimeters) and slim (65 kilos) woman. She is 170 centimeters tall. Rachel
looks like my grandmother.
We live in a big house. I also have two dogs. Their names are Paw and
Snoopy. Paw is a big brown dog. Snoopy is smaller than Paw but it is faster
because Paw is older. I like playing with my dogs in the garden. It is the most
beautiful thing I do in my spare time.
I love my family.
Adapted from

Eric describes a lot of people. Let’s organize the information in this
Eric Rachel Carrie Julia Richard Tom Samantha
Age 10 years

Height 120 cm

Weight 45 kilos

Now, draw Eric’s family based on the information in the chart:

Eric Rachel Carrie Julia Richard Tom Samantha

2. Is Rachel taller than Carrie? Yes No

Yes No
3. Is Rachel fatter than Carrie?
Yes No
4. Yes No
Is Eric’s mother younger than his father?
Yes No
5. Is Julia older than Samantha? Yes No

6. Is Snoopy faster than Paw? Yes No

Is Carrie older than Erik? Yes No

7. Is Snoopy older than Paw? Yes No


Remember that adjectives are the words we use to describe

(mention characteristics) of people, things, or places, for example:
big, small, fast, slow, beautiful, etc. so, when you compare two
people, you need to use the comparative form of the adjectives.


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