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FOtAb3b——~ WASHING Y aaal Ree ApPESVed For Release 1999/09/08 Gta"ROP75-00001R CPYRGHT “An Elderly Couple Visits Arlington ~ . As Thousands Here Honor War Dead CPYRGHT | Bp ooeta Fete Lat anor Scrnae ioacigl i iil’ van be lad Fp While bands blared and/fuka, a smiail- but a, terrible|the Unknowns in the brilliant] fear nesed. wagon oct serena teins 8 [Cemetery Amphitheater ‘yes-J Rhodes, who is head of the|tion’s war-dead, feray sneer souleBaeis repos “ot deat Ancrmts Under Secret] leaned over a grave in then the Senate, and hils wife|of the Army Hugh M. Milton western section of the ceme-fhended for the second gravelspoke at the annual Grand] tery and silently paid respect ho ley flowers there, too, They|Ariny of the Republic service, fowsrecnt te among te any lain te Anphnte. vin tah cotta a fT gmeng te, ma ce ann emote ceromeay i, Pele pin ch drew tted of seer ge tt jthousand, twe couple laid aff Near a knoll ear the ‘Yomb: [clusper of flowers st = simple Be tne Unknowns, the’ L jes cance beta he sane et, Coenen, Da Ber /MacTaggart. an air crash in Braail Tait Feb- Irs the pve a 4 ai var sree ageag She fctsgea ands wt aa of wha led mes 7 to ietns vary rear et se ra fever vat "ty eft go amecseees ara cot feta SOU tm Uae reatnshand hb. bodes f Meme ang a oten a tgenay, wine pitt iy aes Soe nig ete Bac ACN ae raged min rag rate aur ee eed tt Geese | aagart “served ‘under’ Gen fearoid Army “ngentiyman “My own father,” he added J only” brother,’ ct nae an a on pci en gate Sree oda Ne er a S 1 at So el RARE. seen igean men rm ahead oe teense oo Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP75-00001R000200590052-5

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