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through | west ofthe four the Elizabethan Age). _As proletarian products of cultures as ‘history deprived us long ago of our ill ae, intently and bathed our ere of the world. oli and by cgung our bi-eultral existence managed to supersede all culture and become whole. ‘melancholy me tho highest, te hur f great men, religious seers. To be melancholy was a sign of genius” “(RA.Yates, oe ef ar Soe parent Albrecht Diirer. evan nee “was a line of thought be revalued, pele being the prophets and ‘our contribution ool pling ‘capital is completing its transmut from is “Of all writings I love only that which is written with blood. Write with blood: and you will discover that blood is spirit. It is not an easy thing to understand unfamiliar blood. Thate the reading idler.” — Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathushtra Contents: Fatwaing the Ayatollah —the Melancholic Troglodytes crash the party and announce themselves on the world stage (by Fati, the three-nippled-whore of Qom). 2 The Kami-Kazi Warriors of Allah —A tistorical comparison of the samurai and the mullah (by Mansoor, the Hidden Knight of the Round Table). 4 Psycho-Geography - Now this may not be your cup of chai, but Ivan Shcheglov and Ibn Khaldun would have liked it (by Richard Essex). 9 Satanic Film Theses —Truth be told we don’t understand this contribution cither but its author tends to sulk when disappointed so we had no choice but to publish him (by Babak Bertolucci). 13 Mithra, The Persian Matador — You mean you’ve gone through life without understanding the mystic bull-slayer. Shame on you ! (by Zarathushtra III). 16 Who is Robin Hood? — The class struggle and the man who gave footpads a good name (by Alan Adale). 20 Zapping the Zanj— Bigger and better than the Spartacus revolt. Mouth-watering! (by Maryam Iblisi). 25) Already our enemies have accused the Melancholic Troglodytes of unorthodox recruiting methods. We deny these slurs categorically, c insisting that potential members must undergo an arduous, secret ~ initiation ceremony, including a great deal of begging and grovelling before being allowed to join the ranks of the Great However, the good news is we have no scruples when it comes to FS iG accepting other people’s money. fi So send your donations/subs to. Melancholic Troglodytes % os MT, S 121 Railton Road, : Heme (the Hunter) Hill, London SE24, U.K. & Proletarian (including lumpenised elements, as we are feeling generous) — £3.50 Petty-bourgeois (including academics, social E workers and all leftist groups) — £4.50 FHA Grand bourgeois (including the Pope, iE Z the Ayatollah, and Andre Aggassi) — £55.40 ge = Fatwaing the Ayatollah = W THE WANE OF SATAN + THE REVENGEFUL, THE WERCILESS cegead it through and Jaueh not avi; if thou dost 11 destroy thee and ‘eogh at thy destruction” __ abiezer Coppe, 217th Chippendale Pe» Revolutionary Ranter ‘And how much longer ca” regime which condemns & ride to 85 fashes for dancing at hes OWN

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