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Division of City Schools


2252 Tioco St.,
Tondo Manila
Second Quarter

Name: Mark Andrew Capalungan Grade & Section: 10-9 Teacher: Mrs.Florita
Gasingan Date: Jan 13 2022 Module No. 5 Week 5 Performance Task No. 5 Score:

Most Essential Competency: Use correct form of the verbs in formulating claims of fact, policy,
and value
Directions: Study the pictures presented about multimedia. Relate each picture to what is really
happening in the society by writing three (3) sentences. Please observe the rules in Subject-Verb

Claim of fact - the useful known gadget in the world is cellphone

claim of value-using phone for cheating is wrong
claim of policy-We should stop using the phone if you don’t know how to use it

claim of fact-television is important because so many people take advantage of it

claim of value-it is better to watch news on tv than to read news on social media because some of
them are fake
claim of policy- we should guide our children in watching television

claim of fact-the laptop is very expensive

calim of value-the laptop is no more unethical to carry out than the phone

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